2014-03-29 15:11:14
Društvo| Životni stil

Too Hip, Gotta Go

Chris Farmer RSS / 29.03.2014. u 16:11

I just found out I am too old to be a hipster. I am just old-fashioned. If I were under 30, then old-fashioned would qualify as hipster. Thus spake the Urban Dictionary.

The hipster has become ubiquitous. They sport my old clothes. They wear my old glasses. They listen to music which either predates me or hasn't yet been invented. In fact, every time that I sorted through my old things and gave them away, I was helping to forge the Hipster.

2014-12-10 09:52:07
Društvo| Ekonomija

The Christmas Offensive

Chris Farmer RSS / 10.12.2014. u 10:52

Last July I forgot something.

Nearly exactly a year ago, at the tipping point between early- and mid-December, I forgot to go Christmas shopping. There must have been something good on TV.

Every year, faced with the prospect of engaging in pitched battle with my fellow shoppers throughout the month of December, I seem to make the resolution to do all the shopping in July, thus freeing myself from active duty and sparing myself more bloodshed.

As far as I can tell, my humans have completely lost their minds. 

[NOTE: This message was found written in shaky handwriting on a piece of wrapping paper behind the sofa. It has been determined that it constitutes part of a longer report by Agent 836 (code named “Lav”, the cat) on human behavior, presumably to be submitted to an unknown supervisory cat. We have reproduced the text here as faithfully as possible, although some translation errors can certainly be found. Cat is an inflected language wherein the word “meow” is often repeated.]
2015-05-07 08:14:35
Društvo| Mediji| Satira

TXT ME B4 2 L8

Chris Farmer RSS / 07.05.2015. u 09:14

Too late.

I got a message on Viber 27 seconds ago. When do I respond? Immediately? What is the etiquette? Is there any etiquette?

People who have an active and useful memory of the 20th Century (like me for example) used to send letters to each other, a process by which weeks and months could pass in between missives. When we got email and could send a letter instantly without relying on the post office, we started to think about "response times". One company I worked for mandated a maximum 48-hour response time for emails. This was soon sliced in two and 24 hours became the etiquette. After that, you were being lazy. Or rude. Or both.

2015-06-27 15:55:21
Društvo| Hronika| Moj grad

Instinct to Violence

Chris Farmer RSS / 27.06.2015. u 16:55

One phone call was all that was needed to introduce violence into our home.

We needed movers. We called a few. We agreed a deal with one. He came, he forgot the deal, and he began threatening to "beat" us when we insisted. He said that he had beaten his mother that very morning. He held the thing we had to move hostage. He added, just for information, that he was a "woman-hater."

2009-11-04 13:32:20

drugi pozitivan razlog

antioksidant RSS / 04.11.2009. u 14:32

ne trudim se nesto previse da pronadjem logiku u onome sto prica mladjan dinkic.

to je uzaludan posao (traziti logiku gde je nema).

ne trudim se previse ni da zapamtim sta prica, najavljuje i obecava.

to je uzaludan posao (pamtiti reci koje se izgovaraju za danas uz pretpostavku da ih se niko nece secati kada se ne ostvare).

trudim se da me ne nervira samohvalisanje.

to je vec skoro nemoguce.

2010-04-22 16:41:07

Profesionalizacija koalicionih sporazuma

antioksidant RSS / 22.04.2010. u 17:41

 Uvod: Kratak.

2017-04-03 19:14:15

ЗОО за спас

antioksidant RSS / 03.04.2017. u 20:14

"Свако има право захтевати од суда или другог надлежног органа да нареди престанак радње којом се повређује интегритет људске личности, личног и породичног живота и других права његове личности."


Тужба за престанак обављања делатности политике на овакав начин, са оваквим последицама, имала би доста шанси за успех. 




Parkovi su puni migranata.

I migrantkinja.

Neke od njih imaju bebe.


Kad sam konačno sela (u stvari legla) za tastaturu shvatila sam da ne znam ni odakle da počnem, ni čime da završim, da nemam nikakav koncept i da ću vrlo verovatno skliznuti u nekakvu patetiku i žal za mlados` a da neću uspeti da zaista prenesem nekakvu emociju, a nekmoli korisnu informaciju.

2009-02-08 23:53:22

Paperback Bible

Aleksandar Stosic RSS / 09.02.2009. u 00:53


I'd like to buy a good
Used paperbacked living bible
And I've got some things
That I'd like to put on out there
Like a pony cart and an old bird bath
A kitchen sink and a rocking chair
You can turn me on
Almost any day at noon

Hey I'd like to put on
A four month old rat terrier pup
I think he's a male
And he's marked up pretty and
This woman's got some goats
But his feets never been on the ground
You can just buy one
Or you can have the whole heard

Yeah I'd like to find

2013-07-31 23:06:02
Kultura| Muzika

Mesto zlocina JazzIbar, Kraljevo

Spiridon RSS / 01.08.2013. u 00:06





девојчица од 16. година - покушај самоубиства
девојчица од 17. година - на антидепресивима
момак од 20. година - на антидепресивима
девојка од 20. година - самоубиство


Србија је ових дана противприродно подељена на нас и друге. И док се на површини та подела врши на подржаваоце Прајда и оне друге, суштински је Србија подељена на подржаваоце другачијости и оне друге. Тачно је да је слика црно-бела, јер сви они који подржавају другачијост, али да га искажу другачије, у ствари подржавају „другачијост на мој начин", а то је подршка истости. Подржати другачијост значи подржати је на начин другог. 

2007-06-29 09:45:56

Faecebook and the Power of the Mugshot

Nicholas Comrie RSS / 29.06.2007. u 10:45


You'd Contact Ozzy Now Wouldn't You?:

I don’t know if it’s still the honey-moon period, but I’m in love with this new(ish) networking tool that I like to call Faecebook. It’s weird, ever since my brother insisted that I sign up about a week ago I have found myself checking it more avidly than my e-mail. It’s strange how such a simple idea can create feelings of immediacy and intimacy that are all too lacking in emailing (in my case at




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