2011-01-17 11:21:45
Društvo| Ekonomija| Satira

Extending and Distending

Chris Farmer RSS / 17.01.2011. u 12:21

The way I used to calculate it, at Christmas we usually got ONE day off. At New Year's we would also get ONE day to recover. Then it was immediately back to work, back to the office, back to normal.

Not so in Serbia.

2010-11-18 14:17:34
Društvo| Lingvistika

Vox Pop

Chris Farmer RSS / 18.11.2010. u 15:17

LONDON - Asked to say a few words for a documentary on the sharp increases in student fees in British universities, I find that, in retrospect, I gave the opposite opinion to that my actual thoughts. And I spoke too fast.

As if this were not enough proof that PR and positioning preparation were not of vital importance, I also proved to myself the old adage that the doctor is always his own worst patient. In my case, the spin-doctor.

‘Twas the Night Before New Year's
And all through Belgrade
Everyone was still shopping
Without a single plan made
We rush to the markets
We rush to the malls
We are crushed in our numbers
Into spaces quite small
2010-03-30 07:25:23
Društvo| Planeta| Satira

Voluntary Darkness

Chris Farmer RSS / 30.03.2010. u 08:25

On March 27, at 20:30, I am sure I was watching television when I could have been sitting in the dark, saving the planet.

It was Earth Hour (I learned today, a few days ex post facto). During this hour, we were meant to turn off all our electric conveniences including the lights, television, and phone chargers (I am not sure if we could use phones or not... I did not read the rules yet). And somehow someone was supposed to count all the kilowatt hours we saved during this hour.

2011-04-10 07:02:12
Društvo| Životni stil

Cross Check

Chris Farmer RSS / 10.04.2011. u 08:02

We are not bears.

Unlike bears, we do not sleep through the winter months. Unless watching parliament on RTS counts. But now, as the weather begins to warm, we awaken like the bears from a state of hibernation. We take to the streets. We wear brighter colors, fewer layers, we check each other out. Eyes open.

2015-01-08 10:02:45
Društvo| Kultura| Lingvistika


Chris Farmer RSS / 08.01.2015. u 11:02
The flowery language of the future is the simple language of today.

Years from now, people may look back upon our era and wonder if people really talked like that. I mean seriously: we use long sentences. We may bracket several thoughts between a capital letter and a period. We spell all the words out – completely!
2009-05-20 10:10:06

Along the Human Walkway

Chris Farmer RSS / 20.05.2009. u 11:10

In case he would like to use one of them, the City of Belgrade deployed its 4,500 uniformed policemen to close down the streets for Joe Biden.

I think, as a courtesy, this may have been somewhat over the top, but I am not a diplomat, I suppose.

Contrary to what you are already setting your surmisers to surmise, this is NOT going to be a litany of complaints about the fact that our already traffic-impaired City on the Danube has literally been closed down today, forcing people to either a) take extraordinary measures to come to work or b) stay home in their pyjamas and watch Oprah. In fact, it is quite the opposite.

2011-03-29 07:31:29
Društvo| Putovanja

The Flying Buses

Chris Farmer RSS / 29.03.2011. u 08:31

There was a time (he said, adopting an avuncular, if not grandfatherly, tone) when travelling by airplane was something of a prestigious or luxurious experience. The little tiny soaps in the bathroom were novelties. The bathrooms, while we are the subject, were kept clean. The stewardesses were lovely and smiling and charming. And the whole experience was rather pleasant...

2008-05-26 14:05:43

Deconstructing Eurovision

Chris Farmer RSS / 26.05.2008. u 15:05

The fat lady has now sung.

Far from being a reference to Portugal (whose song I thought was lovely by the way), the moment of reflection is now descending on Belgrade. Eurovision has come, exploded, and drifted off in the direction of Moscow. And the question which I am left with is what does it all mean?

The hype of this watershed event for Serbia and Belgrade has already been subsumed in the day-to-day guesswork about the next government. The organization of Eurovision in Belgrade seems to have been superb. The flooding of the White City streets with thousands of visitors caused no problems around town, the atmosphere was lively, and no ugly incidents (usually to be expected with so many bodies in one space) were splashed across the headlines.


Chris Farmer

Chris Farmer
Datum rоđenja:  13.09.1965 Pol:  Muški Član od:  15.07.2006 VIP izbora:  42 RSS RSS Feed Saznajte više o autoru



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