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Banka hrane

Srbija 2020

Three Rules of Sumadija

We're off to enjoy the 30+ degree weather in lovely Sumadija.  Our viked vekendica over looks the peaceful town of Darosava (village formally know as Patizani) with an extremely lovely view of the local valley.  I'm sure I'll have a tale or two to tell after the weekend.  Before I go, I'd like to share my "Three Rules of Sumadija" which I came up with some time ago while my wife and I were on our newlywed tour visiting family:

1) Rakija helps you drive better

2) Seatbelts are for losers


3) Filtered cigarettes are for children

I know what you're saying!  Pretty negative view of Sumadija.  I came up with this list in 2000 shortly after my wife and I got married.  At that time, regard of basic laws were not such a priority in Sumadija (feeding family was kinda key).

Thing is these days, people bring a designated driver, usually a non-family neighbour, to a wedding, slava or going to the army party to drive the Yugo, Golf or tractor home safely.  & for the most part, people sitting in the front seat, at least, will put their seatbelt on from time to time (not in the tractor of course).  As for the smoking situation...  shop owners are following the under 18 sales ban.

So, joking aside, times are a changing in Sumadija...

Will let know who the weekend went on Monday.
