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Banka hrane

Srbija 2020

Internet aktivizam

Posle eksplozije u Bariču setila sam se Černobila i kako su naši političari i mediji lagali u to vreme: mene su zvali histeričnom ženom, prozapadnog feminističkog tipa jer sam verovala da radijacija postoji iako se ne vidi. Računam na sve vas koji nešto znate da postoji što se ne vidi, u akciji podrške Internetu i dole osuđenog Kineskog blogera...

Today Amnesty International and The Observer newspaper launches a campaign on internet repression... Their featured case for taking action, is Shi Tao, a Chinese journalist, who was sentenced to 10 years' hard labour for using the internet to tell people newspapers were being restricted in their coverage of the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square democracy protests. Yahoo! gave information to the authorities that was used in evidence for his conviction. There is an action on Yahoo! in the campaign, and further actions to be included periodically over the duration of the campaign.  Those interested who have blogs and sites can also publicise the campaign using a neat little 'fragment' of suppressed information - a great way to undermine the very nature of censorship by spreading the content of censored sites innocuously across the globe. For those who just want to register their voice, there's the usual> pledge... campaign site> articles in The Observer:,,1784725,00.html