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World Beware Women in Black are Everywhere
Jasmina Tesanovic (28 Oktobar, 2006 - 22:49)
Women in Black, Seattle, Olympia
We stand in silence, because words alone cannot express the tragedy that wars and hatred bring.
We stand in black, mourning for lives broken or lost through violence in the United States, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine/Israel, and in all wars.
We stand in witness to the suffering of victims of violence all over the world.
We stand in solidarity with people all over the world who struggle for justice and peace.
We stand convinced that the world’s citizens can learn the difference between justice and vengeance, and can call world leaders into accountability to employ nonviolent means for conflict resolution.
Sixteen women and a dog all
Lionsgate (28 Oktobar, 2006 - 23:30)
Sixteen women and a dog all wearing black lined Fourth Avenue on a recent chilly evening.
SIX In Belgrade
Jasmina Tesanovic (28 Oktobar, 2006 - 23:37)
In 1991 without even a dog
In Hague war crime tribunal 2004, the very first day Milosevic called them his biggest interior enemies
Women in Black. A pre-Halloween drill?
Tata (29 Oktobar, 2006 - 02:54)
Was that a black dog or a dog wearing black? Is the dog OK?
Noble cause.
nsarski (29 Oktobar, 2006 - 15:45)
And very, very, efficient in terms of the social impact. Just look at the scared millions (not visible in the picture) shocked and awed. This will make them think twice, nay thrice, before they start another war!
Way to protest! Way to go!
Also, whoever invented your slogan (World beware/ WIB are evrywhere), must have been a PR genius! I mean, it almost rhymes. Catchy!
(I hope the appearance of the dog was accidental, as it may be missinterpreted - you know, "beware of dog" kind of malice).
I invented the slogan
Jasmina Tesanovic (29 Oktobar, 2006 - 16:30)
and the international logo is from WiB Serbia, Skart designed it
very noble of you to beware of women and dogs
Reply from Linda, WIB Olympia
Jasmina Tesanovic (29 Oktobar, 2006 - 16:23)
The dog seems to be in a better frame of mind than you, Tata. Of course he's all right -- he's with my sisters, the Olympia Women in Black. Baldr has been standing with us for
most of his life...he howls only at fire engines and idiots (I think I hear him howling now...)
Tata (29 Oktobar, 2006 - 21:44)
he howls only at fire engines and idiots (I think I hear him howling now...)
How smart.
Solomon (30 Oktobar, 2006 - 15:37)
Salute WiB. Keep on trucking. Why Olympia though ? Is Washington State up for grabs in the elections next week ? Does that even matter?
The issues addressed are larger than some local ellections but, it all perculates to the top doesn't it ? "All politics is local" ?
Though again, I don't think the issues should be considered 'politics'.
Plus, from a marketing point of view, don't you think middle America reacts better to the colors of "Code Pink" then WiB ? - I do.
You gotta warm up to people in 'the sticks'. Pink is nice and girly, fuzzy. Makes people wanna hug you. Black... it scares them. Esspecially in the US.
Anyway... all the best.
they are very kin
Jasmina Tesanovic (30 Oktobar, 2006 - 21:09)
groups actually
women in black serbia have as much in common with Code Pink in LA as with WIB if not more ( I was active there)
Olympia Code plak is growing very fast in US and rightly so
Olypmia is a palce where i was a year ago with my code pink book and then i met the Women in black standing who came to my reading and this year again we met...when i was in seattle, there was a standing too
WiB, just like Code pInk have groups in many cities all over US,
this is btw
what i wrote in mu diary a year ago
21 October 2005
LAX airport, heading to Seattle: my e ticket has my name misspelled. The kind clerk of Alaska airlines asks me, what is the name of your country Chekoslavia, no I say, it used to be Yugoslavia now it is Serbia and Montenegro. He is colored, like half Mexican half indian and has a accent I can hardly understand. Oh I like it when it used to be Chekoslavia: I have not the heart to tell him that such a country never existed, he is rebooking me onto another flight with my real name: I wonder if this favor of his will break hell lose with the security. I cannot pray, I don’t believe in god, I think and try not to fret.
It goes well, except that my plane is late and my event/reading is not in Seattle but Olympia, the capital of Washington. Looks like a village and has no airport;my American friend commented, it is very strange to give a country name of a president and nobody knows why a state is called like that and than a city in a state. My colored cab driver, Arab a think I can hardly understand too takes me to Olympia for big money. The hotel I am booked in is in construction: I can pick any room since they are all half way done: the fax payment has not arrived, the Indian owner is kind, he will let me have a room anyway, he trusts me. my name is Jasmina he likes that. The wifi is not working the phone in the room too and on top of all the lock cannot unlock, I cannot open the window, so I just knock at my window until the notice me and force the door.
In the bbq joint next door two girls, dolled up as twins but obviously not twins as much of a same racial melting pot: mexican and african, prepare my food. They are trying o speak to me but once again, I don’t understand their accent. Speak as a robot I ask them, as all Americans I don’t understand. Before sitting at the table I glimpse a tall guy in a electric blue T shirt behind the door. while I am eating the same guy is entering the shop with two uniformed policeman, an elderly one and a young one. I think they are friends, Glad I am eating in a place where local police eats, they say those are the best. But his hands are handcuffed behind his back. I am the only customer, I eat steadily and calmly. They are arresting me, he says to one girl , the other one runs out of the shop. BUT WHY the girl says quietly in dismay he says nothing. give me your phone, she snatches the cell phone form his belt. He is bravely silent, the police is polite and waiting the girl looks desperate, she just phoned her dad, I heard to ask him to pick up her girl from the school, and he couldn’t, so she was begging her mom...and now this...Outside the window the police car, the electric blue guy is inside. The girl is now trembling and phoning somebody is saying, he just got arrested. Big tears are falling down her pretty dolled up face, so happy until a few minutes ago.I look straight into her eyes and say don’t worry, she smiles shyly, she is ashamed. I know, all of a sudden I understand her to the marrow of her bone. She is poor and hardworking and pretending to keep all the appearances. She knows her husband is a half criminal, her family whatever but sure not a big support, her children probably without a future, but every morning she puts up a brave face and comes to this joint where she makes sandwiches, salads and speaks to the customers as if it were Hilton, not a small shabby BBQ for poor people as she is. He world has crumbled right in front of me; I saw that face somewhere else, when my daughter had to part with me, when she lost her favorite expensive t shirt knowing she will never be able to afford a new one. I know the pretense behind this faces which try to listen to rich girls and try to be sexy and tough. I wanted to hug her but I finished off my salad and left with the calm I left my daughter at the airport: as if that was normal, that was life. No my girls, that is not what I think life is all about and I mean to fight for a better one.
Oct 22, 2005
The shuttle from Olympia to seattle is not showing up, I have to ask for a cab. I get one, the cab driver has silver braces over his teeth, shaved head and two days beard. he is very tall all dressed in black, tiny dark eye glasses and pants with zippers and strips all over. he asks me for 150 dollars of deposit, yesterday the drive cost 105 . It is dark, he starts driving and politely explaining to me his theory of human evolutions, involving dinosaurs, free masons and aliens. He says, my dad worked for Boeing and I am not an educated guy but... I sound as crazy as he was, his theory was long long elaborated and based on observing as he says and Nostradamus and others. Finally he told me about the war and war in iraq, he thought of joining the army but then his pals who came back told him few stories: in a few words, one of killing a child and other of killing a pregnant woman who was not pregnant but who wore explosive instead of a baby. A suicidal bomber. I think both of these stories he read somewhere because I knew them already. Then he told me, my motto is save the environment, kill yourself. Only a perfect genocide could save ecologically this planet, that is why I don’t care for these small petty wars and I almost became a pacifist My pals who returned from iraq they are shattered and traumatized but they still listen to the same music. And Bush he is not alone, although he is dumb he is driven by others , he is a puppet. At the event last night I heard from my audience that this is the most progressive place in US and some true pacifist rhetoric and thinking came up. Round the corner probably my cab driver was sitting with his pals and drinking beer while exposing them his pacifist evolutionist theory based on a successful chemical genocide. He delivered me at the airport in time, took all the money I could scatter from my pockets shook my hand and said, have a nice day...
Drive you crazy
Solomon (30 Oktobar, 2006 - 22:12)
Let him be Jasmina. Taxi drivers are the loneliest of creaturs. They're one step above truck-drivers. Everyone get's and ear-ful in a taxi, especially women. It's the irresistability of a captive audience. Consider it a performace, a piece of alternative-thearter meets mass-tranzit.
I've had taxi-drivers that were racist, sexist, nationalistic, undocumented, beligerant, addicted, conspiracy theorists, masogenistic and guys that only spoke of baseball.
They were all equally entertaining. For a while I even remembered some of their names. Hoping perhaps to order them specifically the next time I go to the airport. "No, I want Jareed. He was HILLARIOUS!".
Buy the ticket - take the ride.
it s ok
Jasmina Tesanovic (30 Oktobar, 2006 - 22:24)
really the guy made my day and my entry and besides
later on he didnt want the money
but still he wasa scary and freaky guy
but then who says i didnt look the same to him
they were only 16, only 16 but
Whyomar (30 Oktobar, 2006 - 22:33)
..some things need to be kept on the agenda, even if others don't see the point.
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