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Guest Bloggers Code Pink sisters LA, Venice Beach
Jasmina Tesanovic (22 Septembar, 2006 - 04:51)
Code pinkCodepinkalert.org
What you women do is great. As women we hold the key to peace if we stand united. We must take back our earth from those, mostly men, who seek change through war and violence rather than through love and nuturing. The battle we face is not easy but with continuing support for each other we will prevail. Peace and love, Maggie Freilich (Codepink LA).codepink
Jamie Romano, with the CODEPINK Los Angeles office. Today, as part of the nation-wide Declaration of Peace campaign, we will be visiting the office of Senator Dianne Feinstein, an on-going supporter of the US occupation of Iraq. We will be delivering voter signatures, voters who have pledged only to support political candidates who support a plan for the withdrawal of US troops and funding for reconstruction. We will be delivering the voter pledges to the Senator's office, showing her that her constituents are aware of her pro-war policies - and that she will lose their votes for her re-election is she does not change those policies.
Recently, the fearless leaders of CODEPINK traveled to Jordan to meet with members of the Iraqi Parliament. This was an historic and groundbreaking effort in civilian diplomacy. The women of CODEPINK are doing the work that our Secretary of State fails to do - promote peace and human well-being. Sadly, this amazing effort at reconciliation received absolutely NO media attention here in the US. This is simply further evidence of the American media's collusion with the crimes of the Bush administration. The media is our greatest obstacle to peaceful revolution, as their collective lack of coverage of the anti-war/anti-Bush movement leaves US citizens - and the rest of the world - without the knowledge that there are millions of Americans who are working tirelessly to bring an end to the death and destruction perpetrated by the US government. CODEPINK is the leading civilian group in this international effort, and it's an honor to work among such revolutionary women.Join Code Pink
CODEPINK women fast for peace. July 4, Independence Day. Yet another CODEPINK action in our nation's Capitol. CODEPINK decides to begin a fast, a campaign dubbed "Troops Home Fast." We had decided to put our bodies on the line for the cause of peace, and in the Ghandian discipline of civil disobedience. July 4, thousands of peace-loving men and women across the United States began to fast. Some fasted for days, others weeks - some even for a couple of months. The leadership of CODEPINK - Jodie Evans, Medea Benjamin, Diane Wilson - along with Cindy Sheehan - have fasted for many weeks. A few of these remarkable women ended their fast by sharing a meal with members of the Iraqi Parliament during their meeting in Jordan recently. Jodie Evans and Cindy Sheehan extended their fast until Sept. 21 - two and a half months later - at an action at the US Capitol, a part of the Declaration of Peace activities. CODEPINK is also doing an action called "Arms are for Hugging," in which these bold and brave women will be roaming the halls of the Capitol greeting our elected Representatives with hugs, sharing the message of compassion and love for human beings everywhere.
Samantha Miller, with the CODEPINK Los Angeles office. As Jamie said, today we will be going to Senator Feinstein's office as part of the Declaration of Peace campaign. Feinstein, like many others in our government, is not only supporting the illegal occupation of Iraq, but also profitting from it. Today we will make one more step forward in trying to bring an end to the war and hold those responsible for it accountable.
Today I'm blessed for meeting Yasmina, another empowered woman on the go at the CODEPINK HQ in L.A. It's inspiring to see her blog and to see another goddess working for peace in this world-
love and light-liz kimmerly, L.A. (www.galacticstillness.blogspot.com)
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