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Thomas Anglero
Make Money by Using Blogger (Goggle) - $100 per hour
Thomas Anglero (22 Maj, 2007 - 17:19)Here's an opportunity to make some decent money from blogs - you do not have write a blog on Blogger, just test the new upcoming features of Blogger and provide your feed to Google.
Google is willing you to pay upto $100 per hour for this job. You can work from anywhere in the world, but need to have a computer and a good internet connection.
A Google researcher will call you while you sit at your computer, and ask you to try out a Google product or prototype via your internet connection, and give feedback on it.
Google routinely invites people to test Google Software (on paid basis) and they have conducted Blogger Usability Study earlier but that was confined to residents of New York City and San Francisco Bay Area.
» dalje | 3 komentara
Top 5 Disruptive (Greatest Potential) Technologies
Thomas Anglero (21 Maj, 2007 - 10:07)This top 5 list is for everyone, not just Serbians, but especially for Serbian IT developers. There are many developers who are unemployed and yet have the mental capacity, knowledge, and time to develop great applications and services. This post is for you!
Here are the top 5 disruptive technologies that are being utilized to build the new foundation/platform for Web 2.0 companies and business models. Some of these technologies have not made it to the major news sources, but are still being utilized by the largest and smallest companies in the world to build the future of the internet and our lives.
» dalje | 2 komentara
Thank you for welcoming me!
Thomas Anglero (23 April, 2007 - 15:26)Thank you everyone for welcoming me to the B92 blog!
I don't think about my blog as a contest as to whether or not I can win your confidence but more as a forum to share new business models and destructive services that "everyone" should be using or developing against. So please don't "wait" for anything!
For example, today I was interviewed by "Telecom Reporter" magazine for my opinion on BT's (British Telecom) new Web Services strategies. Now this is an "oxy-moron" meaning that BT and any other large national Telco can never have a true Web Services strategy. By definition, a web services strategy necessitates that the customer information and other data that can be assigned to someone or something, be available for others (you, me, developers) to access and build new services on top of.
» dalje | 8 komentara
Blogging Innovation
Thomas Anglero (20 April, 2007 - 14:49)Hello,
I am Thomas F. Anglero, the new Blogger for B92, covering the Internet & Telecommunication industry. I have over 13 years of international experience and I am also the founder of Nuclei Networks d.b.o., a VoIP company in Zrenjanin, Serbia for the international and domestic business market.
My Blog will be our meeting place where I shall share my unique perspective and in the process elevate the discussions and realize the opportunities that Serbia has. My style of writing is future based. I respect the past and what has happened, but use it to leverage the new opportunities.
» dalje | 9 komentara

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