
nsarski RSS / 17.07.2008. u 02:33

(eksperiment iz blogovanja)



Bolesno dete dovedeno u hram Aesculapiusa (J.W. Waterhouse 1877).



(Ustane. Proziva.)


Dejvide, udji, sedi. Sedi.


(Privlači stolicu za sebe, uzima beležnicu sa receptima.)


Stigli su nam rezultati iz laboratorije i dobri su, dobri, dosta pozitivnih indikatora. Možeš da ih poneseš kući kad podješ, da ih pregledaš kad budeš slobodan.




Sedi, Dejvide, sedi. Gledaj Dejvide, da bi bili na sigurnom, hteo bih da počneš sa jednim lekom. Ne mogu da obećam da će ti pomoći, ali, s druge strane, ne može ni da ti odmogne.


(Piše u beležnicu.)


Ovaj lek se često prepisuje. Ja sam ga prepisao mnogo puta do sada. Samo odnesi ovaj recept u apoteku dole i nećeš imati problema.

Sada, ovaj lek ima neke neželjene efekte. Hteo bih da ti kažem koji su, u slučaju da se nešto desi, da se ne brineš suviše, OK?




Da te ovo pitam, Dejvide, da li piješ mleko?... Pa, u kafi ujutru, ili u kaši, ili peciva koja se prave sa mlekom? Izbaci mleko, OK? Iz ishrane izbaci mleko i izbaci jaja.

Pa, zato što u mleku i jajima ima amino kiselina koje negativno reaguju sa izvesnim proteinima u ovom leku i ponekad mogu da izazovu grčeve, šokove. A mi to nećemo, zar ne? Hoćemo da se osećaš bolje a ne lošije.

Zapisaću ti ovo: "Ne mleko i ne jaja."

Dalje, posle par dana uzimanja ovog leka, primetićeš da ti se vid zamagljuje. To samo znači da lek radi. Takodje ćeš primetiti smanjenje seksualnog nagona... Pa, u velikoj meri, u velikoj meri. Bio bih iznenadjen ako bi ti ostao bilo kakav seksualni nagon posle par nedelja uzimanja ovog leka.

Takodje, ujutru kad se probudiš, može se desiti da osetiš vrtoglavicu. Ne brini za to. Ono što te može zabrinuti je da će ujutru kad se tuširaš početi da ti opada kosa. Pramenovi kose. Mogu da se pojave ćelavi delovi. Ako ti ovo predstavlja problem, prepisao bih ti...prepisao bih ti šešir.

Svrab se često pojavljuje. Počeće da te svrbi po rukama i nogama, na dlanovima, na petama. Može se čak desiti da dobiješ ono što mi zovemo "epidermalna sebaciozna trauma", što je samo fini izraz za velike krvareće regije kože na rukama i nogama. Ako ti je ovo problem, samo se javi Hajdi na recepciji, i ona će ti prepisati hidrokortizonsku mast da to očistiš. To ti neću naplatiti.

Takodje, može se pojaviti utrnulost u prstima, nožnim prstima, ušima, nosu, svim ekstremitetima.

I još, kako ovo da kažem? Može da se pojavi privremeno slepilo. To je samo privremeno. Kad ustaneš ujutru nećeš moći da vidiš neko vreme. To nema nikakvog medicinskog značaja i traje oko petnaest, dvadeset minuta. Ako se probudiš i ne možeš da vidiš, sedi na ivici kreveta, sačekaj, trideset, četrdeset pet minuta. Ako ti se za to vreme vid ne povrati, pozovi me.

Takodje, ujutru, obično ljudi osete mučninu, povraćanje, muku. Ako te muči stomak, samo se javi Hajdi i ona će ti prepisati nešto da to odmah središ.

I, ovo svim svojim pacijentima kažem, uzimaj male obroke jer ćeš mnogo da povraćaš.

Krvarenje iz nosa takodje nije neuobičajeno.


(Nasloni se u stolici.)


U stvari, ima jedna smešna zgoda. Imao sam pacijenta koji je bio na ovom leku nekih, oh, mora biti već četiri godina, i napravili mu prijatelji rodjendansku žurku u nekom finom restoranu. Znaš ona mesta gde im treba čitava večnost da donesu hranu. I on čeka, čeka. Najzad, donesu oni hranu. Pogleda u svoj tanjir, i kapi krvi počinju da mu padaju iz nosa!!!


(Smeje se, onda se sam zaustavi.)


Doneli su mu novo jelo, naravno.

Samo nosi maramicu sa sobom sve vreme i ako nos počne da ti krvari, ti ga malo natapkaj, nemoj da duvaš, samo natapkaj i srediće se...za oko petnaest minuta.


(Potpisuje recept.)


To je to. Napravićemo još neke testove za oko tri meseca da vidimo kakvi su rezultati, pa ako nam se ne dopadnu stavićemo te na nešto jače. OK?




Oh, ne zahvaljuj se, Dejvide, ovo je samo čudo moderne medicine.

Hvala ti, da, malo sam pocrneo. Upravo sam se vratio iz St. Barta. I ti dobro izgledaš Dejvide, izgledaš jako dobro.


(Pucne prstima.)


Oh Dejvide, umalo da zaboravim! Pa, osiguravajuća kompanija je vratila račun. Da, neće da ga pokriju.  Ne. Tako, ako možeš, na izlasku daj Hajdi ček danas. Aha, za ceo iznos, svih pet hiljada.

OK, Dejvide, u redu. OK. I ti. Čuvaj se.



Komentari (85)

Komentare je moguće postavljati samo u prvih 7 dana, nakon čega se blog automatski zaključava

dzouzi dzouzi 02:45 17.07.2008


prvi put - prva!

odoh da bolje procitam...

P.S. gde je visnja?
nsarski nsarski 02:49 17.07.2008

Re: Prva...

Ima lekova od kojih se sticu brzi prsti:))) Cestitam.
dzouzi dzouzi 03:05 17.07.2008

Re: Prva...

Ima lekova od kojih se sticu brzi prsti:))) Cestitam.

Ima, ima )

dzouzi dzouzi 03:17 17.07.2008

Re: Prva...

Sada, ovaj lek ima neke neželjene efekte. Hteo bih da ti kažem koji su, u slučaju da se nešto desi, da se ne brineš suviše, OK?

Eh, ti nezeljeni efekti...
Kad ih procitam, odmah ozdravim )

nsarski nsarski 03:23 17.07.2008

Re: Prva...

Eh, ti nezeljeni efekti...
Kad ih procitam, odmah ozdravim )

Ima stara knjiga Woody Allena - Side Effects. Ako te zanima, moze ovde da se "skine".
Side Effects
dzouzi dzouzi 03:32 17.07.2008

Re: Prva...

Eh, ti nezeljeni efekti...Kad ih procitam, odmah ozdravim )Ima stara knjiga Woody Allena - Side Effects. Ako te zanima, moze ovde da se "skine".Side Effects

Kad je Woody Allen u pitanju - skidam.

Nsarski, ja ti dala preporuku a ono nista,
ako ponovo kliknem bice malo cudno
jer sam jedini "gost"...

Ostavise nas svi (

Sta napravi ovaj FM?
nsarski nsarski 03:46 17.07.2008

Re: Prva...

Sta napravi ovaj FM?

Ma jok. Prva smena, sada spavaju.
ivana23 ivana23 08:53 17.07.2008


nsarski nsarski 15:38 17.07.2008

Re: Spavaju....


Hvala za ilustraciju, Twiddly Fingers:)
Ti se, primecujem, nisi preudavala u medjufremenu. Zaista, ne bi islo ono ivana2392.
ivana23 ivana23 16:48 17.07.2008

Re: Spavaju....


Hvala za ilustraciju, Twiddly Fingers:)Ti se, primecujem, nisi preudavala u medjufremenu. Zaista, ne bi islo ono ivana2392.

Nisam i nemam nameru :)))
MightyNora MightyNora 22:44 17.07.2008

Re: Spavaju....



ovo me podseti na Dextera

ko ga nije gled'o obavezno ako volite malo sumanutog u vise trilera....

Nsar kolko kosta taj lek :)

dobar ti lek :)
angie01 angie01 03:56 17.07.2008

sa ovim bi

se slozila u potpunosti- bash tako!
nsarski nsarski 04:11 17.07.2008

Re: sa ovim bi

se slozila u potpunosti- bash tako!

Oho, dobila si i prezime! 01. Sto nisi trazila 007?
dzouzi dzouzi 04:21 17.07.2008


Ma jok. Prva smena, sada spavaju

Мањчики ;-)))

P.S.Nsarski, ako si mislio da postoji lek
za blog tj.za odvikavanje od istog...varas se.
Nikakvi nezeljeni efekti nece uplasiti blogere,
nije ni bilo upozorenja ))))

Laku noc / Dobro jutro!!!

aleksandarz92 aleksandarz92 12:21 17.07.2008

Re: sa ovim bi

se slozila u potpunosti- bash tako!

Oho, dobila si i prezime! 01. Sto nisi trazila 007?

007 je za mene. Imam i uverenje o položenom ispitu.
angie01 angie01 13:45 17.07.2008

Re: sa ovim bi


angie01se slozila u potpunosti- bash tako!Oho, dobila si i prezime! 01. Sto nisi trazila 007?

pa malko sam se prudala:))), a shto da trazim onaj izakani broj:), eno objasnila jelica, ovaj moj, ko one specijalne registarske tablice:)
dzouzi dzouzi 01:30 18.07.2008

Re: eksperiment...

Mala ispravka (ne radi mi opcija izmeni):

Маљчики ;-)))

Unfuckable Unfuckable 05:26 17.07.2008

poor Dejvid

zamišljam ga kako zombirano klima glavom gledajući negde kroz Vrača

Ne mogu da obećam da će ti pomoći, ali, s druge strane, ne može ni da ti odmogne.

(pravo biserje je uvek skriveno negde na početku teksta. Posle se zabudalimo čitanjem, pa zaboravimo..... - lekovi...)

....i ponekad - prokleto istinito.
snezana mihajlovic snezana mihajlovic 06:08 17.07.2008


skoro sam gledala sicko
scena1: neka doktorka koja na sudu daje izjavu da je od nje osiguravajuća kompanija tražila da pacijente savetuje da ne prolaze ni kroz kakav tretman, a da je za to dobila veoma finu nadoknadu. iznenadjujuće je to, što se na sudu našla samoinicijativno, ili, kako da kažem - samoseprijavila.
scena2: žena ima 25 godina i kancer cerviksa. osiguravajuća kompanija je odbila da plati jer - je isuviše mlada da bi dobila taj kancer.
scena3: noć. dete ima jako visoku temperaturu. hitna je odvozi u bolnicu, ali tamo majci saopštavaju da su se ovi javili i da mora da ide u neku drugu. umrla je pri ulasku u bolnički krug.

pa da te pitam šarski, je l' to stvarno tako?
izvinjavam se za trol. (a možda i nije trol)
Jelena Pavlović Jelena Pavlović 11:34 17.07.2008

Re: ...

snezana mihajlovic
skoro sam gledala sicko
scena1: neka doktorka koja na sudu daje izjavu da je od nje osiguravajuća kompanija tražila da pacijente savetuje da ne prolaze ni kroz kakav tretman, a da je za to dobila veoma finu nadoknadu. iznenadjujuće je to, što se na sudu našla samoinicijativno, ili, kako da kažem - samoseprijavila.
scena2: žena ima 25 godina i kancer cerviksa. osiguravajuća kompanija je odbila da plati jer - je isuviše mlada da bi dobila taj kancer.
scena3: noć. dete ima jako visoku temperaturu. hitna je odvozi u bolnicu, ali tamo majci saopštavaju da su se ovi javili i da mora da ide u neku drugu. umrla je pri ulasku u bolnički krug.

pa da te pitam šarski, je l' to stvarno tako?
izvinjavam se za trol. (a možda i nije trol)

Snezana, razlika je u varijacijama.
nsarski nsarski 12:35 17.07.2008

Re: ...

pa da te pitam šarski, je l' to stvarno tako?

Pa, ovo je malo karikirano, naravno. Ali, ima svega. Svako malo pa se sude oko nekog leka koji je povucen. Ovog trenutka mi pada na pamet phen-phen. To je lek za mrsavljenje, bio veoma popularan pre desetak godina. Ali, kao side effect, moze da proizvede smrt. Srcka. Pa se sude.
Zatim, ima lekova koji su otkriveni slucajno. Danas je u slobodnoj prodaji neki Rogaine (mislim da se tako zove). Oni su taj lek originalno koristili za depresiju. Posle su uvideli da pacijentima nenormalno raste kosa, dlake. I oni ga preimenuju u lek protiv celavosti. Majstorija koze pase!

Onda, ima tih neproverenih lekova. Bilo je nekoliko skandala vezano za lekove proizvedene u Kini poslednjih godina.
Da ne pominjem one stvari protiv trudnoce. U Kanadi postoji citava generacija dece koja su rodjena sa genetskim poremecajima - sake im rastu direktno iz ramena. Uzimala mama odobreno sredstvo protiv trudnoce, posle se skinula kad je htela da dobije decu, ali side effects su ostali. To sredstvo je bio ukinuto u usa, ali Kanadjani su ga koristili jos nekoliko meseci, pa su ga i oni zabranili. Sve je prolazno osim posledica.
pnbb pnbb 16:28 17.07.2008

Re: ...

U Kanadi postoji citava generacija dece koja su rodjena sa genetskim poremecajima - sake im rastu direktno iz ramena

koliko se secam , to je bilo u britaniji cesto...
ima i u jednoj od volsovih knjiga... dal je esid, ili neka druga...
Bright Spot Bright Spot 18:17 17.07.2008

Re: ...

Oni su taj lek originalno koristili za depresiju. Posle su uvideli da pacijentima nenormalno raste kosa, dlake. I oni ga preimenuju u lek protiv celavosti. Majstorija koze pase!

Em si čupav, em si ves'o... Vaistinu majstorija :)
Filip2412 Filip2412 19:39 17.07.2008

Re: ...

Da ne pominjem one stvari protiv trudnoce. U Kanadi postoji citava generacija dece koja su rodjena sa genetskim poremecajima

zanima me da procitam o ovome,
jel mozes neki link da mi das ili samo naziv leka?
nsarski nsarski 20:42 17.07.2008

Re: ...

zanima me da procitam o ovome,
jel mozes neki link da mi das ili samo naziv leka?

U pitanju je Thaliomide, i ta deca su poznata kao Thaliomide babies. Ima svugde po netu:

side effect thaliomida
gorran2 gorran2 05:04 18.07.2008

Re: ...

koliko se secam , to je bilo u britaniji cesto...
ima i u jednoj od volsovih knjiga... dal je esid, ili neka druga...
Irvine Welsh: Fortune's Always Hiding.
U pitanju je thalidomide.
snezana mihajlovic snezana mihajlovic 05:41 18.07.2008

Re: ...

prvo, fala na odgovoru.

Pa, ovo je malo karikirano, naravno. Ali, ima svega. Svako malo pa se sude oko nekog leka koji je povucen.

pazi, meni je sve ono u emisiji izgledalo realno - naravno slika može da vara, zato i pitam.
glavna okosnica je bila upravo to što si u incijalnom postu napisao - lekovi (i ovo iz citirane rečenice) + osiguranje, tj. kako sve to funkcioniše. (ili, da budem preciznija - koliko košta: a to je tvoja poslednja rečenica iz teksta, koja me je asocirala. )
naježila sam se kad sam gledala.

e, sad - ukoliko je to iz dokumentarca netačno, zar ga neko od pomenutih i prozvanih ne bi tužio?
dolybell92 dolybell92 21:53 18.07.2008

Re: ...

koliko se secam , to je bilo u britaniji cesto..

Lek se zvao "Thalidomide" i uzrokovao je te nesretne slučajeve koje ste naveli...
ali prema nekim novim pokazateljima ima izgleda da se pokaže delotvornim u lečenju
Multple Myeloma.
Unfuckable Unfuckable 21:55 18.07.2008

Re: ...

pa ok, samo bi bilo.... fair da navedu da trudnice nikako ne treba da ga koriste.
samo to.
dolybell92 dolybell92 18:53 20.07.2008

Re: ...

pa ok, samo bi bilo.... fair da navedu da trudnice nikako ne treba da ga koriste.
samo to.

THALIDOMIDE je odavno kao lek, zabranjen trudnicama... posle ustanovljavanja
posledica koje je izazivao....Principijelno, svi lekovi su otrovi,
na neki način - nema tog leka koji ima samo pozitivne efekte....
(mislim, naravno na one koji se "per os" koriste)

Kako sva biohemija prolazi kroz jetru - koja je čudo od
mašine - (veštačka jetra koja bi se napravila prema sadašnjim
mogućnostima tehnologije i koja bi radila sve što radi i normalna zdrava
ljudska jetra - bila bi velika kao fudbalsko igralište!)
ona trpi i najveće posledice "lečenja" - lekovima...
GajaR GajaR 06:49 17.07.2008

najzad pravi lek dr nsarskog

NSarski, zbog tebe će da propadne farma, a to je biznis nad biznisima... Neće me začuditi kada te budu upucali. Pa znaš li ti čoveče da je za taj lek o kome pišeš potrošena ogromna suma para dok se nije dobila dozvola za njegovu eksploataciju. A da ne zaboravimo da su placebo efekti još bolji od samog leka, jer
Stigli su nam rezultati iz laboratorije i dobri su

U svakom slučaju topla preporuka od mene i mojih prijatelja koji odbijaju da idu na pretrage.
P.S. a kada bi smo i otišli kod doktora, obavezno bi nam dao lek, a ovo tvoje je lek protiv lekova...
nsarski nsarski 12:56 17.07.2008

Re: najzad pravi lek dr nsarskog

zbog tebe će da propadne farma, a to je biznis nad biznisima.

Big Pharma je posebna prica, i njihova humanost je nadaleko cuvena diljem planete. Ne kazem da su svi takvi, ali medju njima ima mnogo prevaranata. Da ne govorim o monopolu koji drze. Nece oni propasti, ne brinem se suvise.
Ja se ne palim na teorije zavere, ali kad su oni u pitanju...
GajaR GajaR 21:06 17.07.2008

Re: najzad pravi lek dr nsarskog

G. NS,
ono gore sam se malo šalio, a sada sledi anegdota, koju ja često pričam svojim klijentima...ako su mi po volji:
Kada oni dođu kod mene u kancelariju i traže pomoć iliti pravni savet, lepo im kažem: lekare i advokate treba izbegavati, uvek kada to možeš....ali kada ti zaistinski zatrebaju, nemoj niako da ih izbegavaš. I tako ti je to u životu, ako ih izbegneš, pitanje je da li se posle može pomoći, ili je već suviše kasno
N.B: (to jest nema leka, to jest nema pravnog leka ((
gorran2 gorran2 04:57 18.07.2008

Čehovljeva šala

G. NS,ono gore sam se malo šalio, a sada sledi anegdota, koju ja često pričam svojim klijentima...ako su mi po volji:Kada oni dođu kod mene u kancelariju i traže pomoć iliti pravni savet, lepo im kažem: lekare i advokate treba izbegavati, uvek kada to možeš....ali kada ti zaistinski zatrebaju, nemoj niako da ih izbegavaš. I tako ti je to u životu, ako ih izbegneš, pitanje je da li se posle može pomoći, ili je već suviše kasno N.B: (to jest nema leka, to jest nema pravnog leka ((
iz "Ivanova":
I lekar i advokat opelješe svog klijenta. Samo što ga lekar na kraju i ubije.
vlada dvm vlada dvm 08:35 18.07.2008

Re: najzad pravi lek dr nsarskog

zbog tebe će da propadne farma, a to je biznis nad biznisima.Big Pharma je posebna prica, i njihova humanost je nadaleko cuvena diljem planete. Ne kazem da su svi takvi, ali medju njima ima mnogo prevaranata. Da ne govorim o monopolu koji drze. Nece oni propasti, ne brinem se suvise.Ja se ne palim na teorije zavere, ali kad su oni u pitanju...

Pobogu Nsarski, ja stalno kukam da teorije zaver ne postoje. Zato sto nisu teorije. Bese pticiji grip. Galama, frka, panika, pandemija, ajajaooo.....Leka nema ali Tamiflu, lek protiv gripa, obicnog, domaceg je promovisan kao nesto naj bolje. Kazu da ne pomaze, ali bolje ista nego nista. Ko kaze? Pa sam proizvodjac-ROCHE. Btw, jedan od glavnih akcionara je Donald Ramsfeld. Covek ima logistiku, medije, napravise takvu reklamu da su kod nas penzosi davali poslednje pare za taj lek, koji, napominjem, ne deluje na virus pticijeg gripa. Tamiflu se rasprodao (verovatno su imali zalihe sa rokom koji je bio pri kraju, pa su se setili pticijeg gripa), akcionari trljaju ruke, a pticijeg gripa nigde. Do sada je od pticijeg gripa umrlo (ne znam bas tacan broj, pa ne zamerite) reda velicine 80 ljudi! Od, recimo 1965?!?!?!?! Ko se danas seca pticijeg gripa???
Narko mafija je lokalna piljarnica u odnosu na farmaceutske multi-kulti-nulti kompanije!!!!
antioksidant antioksidant 08:00 17.07.2008


Sada, ovaj lek ima neke neželjene efekte. Hteo bih da ti kažem koji su, u slučaju da se nešto desi, da se ne brineš suviše, OK?

pretpostavljam da se ova recenica izgovara zbog onih nesretnika - advokata.

nikad je nisam cuo na srpskom jeziku.

upozorenje na "nezeljene efekte". ne. nikad nisam cuo.

mozda zato sto se ne zovem dejvid?
Spiridon Spiridon 08:25 17.07.2008


meni pricala zena da postoji ekipa koja za lovu testira nove lekove. Sta se sve tu desava ...

ivana23 ivana23 08:43 17.07.2008


bik_koji_sedi bik_koji_sedi 08:44 17.07.2008


Le Monde Diplomatique:

Testing new drugs on world's poor
By Sonia Shah

More than 30 years after the scandalous Tuskegee Syphilis Study showcased the dangers of unregulated medical research, triggering an avalanche of new laws and oversight on human experimentation, American companies continue to engage in poorly regulated experimentation just beyond our borders.

Starved of adequate numbers of Americans willing to enroll in clinical trials for new drugs, over the past few decades pharmaceutical companies have quietly exported their clinical trials business to developing countries, where sick, untreated patients teem and federal oversight is minimal. This year, for example, Wyeth and Merck will conduct at least half of their clinical trials for new drugs outside the United States, and Pfizer is just one among many companies that have opened clinical-trial hubs in India.

The potential for exploitation and ethics violations in these trials is palpable. The FDA accepts data from overseas trials, but does not require any prior review (as they do for trials in the U.S.) and simply accepts the word of local ethics committees and local regulators that FDA's ethical standards have been met.

Many of these countries have weak regulatory infrastructures and poor human rights records, especially toward the impoverished residents who are most likely to enroll in clinical trials. In India, for example, government officials have dismantled rules cramping clinical trials — hoping to increase the foreign drug trials business from $70 million a year to $1 billion — but have enacted not a single law to protect research subjects. The few regulations that do govern the drug industry are lightly enforced at best. “Even if an erring company is caught red-handed indulging in illegal activities,” writes Dr. Chandra Gulhati, an Indian industry analyst, “it is let off ... with a light warning.”

In the United States, before ethical standards in medical research were enshrined into law, unethical experimentation openly flourished. Reports on the U.S. Public Health Service's deceptive, non-treatment study of syphilitic black sharecroppers in Tuskegee appeared regularly in the medical literature for years, even after voluntary ethical standards that it clearly violated were publicly articulated. In developing countries, evidence that trials are falling short of ethical standards similarly abounds. Take voluntary informed consent, universally considered the cornerstone of ethical experimentation on humans.

Generally, a steady stream of enrolled subjects dropping out of trials — up to 45 percent in some trials in the United States — is considered a good indication of voluntary consent. The subjects felt free to leave (and did). This phenomenon is disturbingly scarce in trials in developing countries.

In South Africa, drug companies have reported recruiting 3,000 subjects for a clinical trial in nine days, and more than 1,300 children for another trial in 12 days. Those numbers suggest a startling lack of “no” responses. To study this phenomenon, researchers have quizzed people who have already enrolled in clinical trials about whether they are aware that they are free to leave. Studies in Bangladesh and South Africa show that around 80 percent are not.

That should be alarming. Worse yet is that the companies that conduct these experiments on behalf of drug companies tout the unduly positive response among patients in poor countries as a reason to conduct more experiments on them, not fewer. One New Delhi-based company boasts in its promotional literature that it retains “99.5 percent” of enrolled subjects. “Russian subjects don't miss appointments ... and only very rarely do they withdraw their consent,” enthused a typical promotional Applied Clinical Trials article, “Discover Russia for Clinical Research.” “What a phenomenon!”

According to industry researchers involved in these trials, their impoverished subjects want to be experimented upon. As a clinician who conducts industry trials on patients in South Africa told me, his subjects are “really very happy. They say, 'Gosh, I'm really happy this happened to me.'” So were the black sharecroppers enrolled in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, according to the nurse who recruited them. “The ride to and from the hospital ... chauffeured by a nurse, was a mark of distinction for many of the men,” nurse Eunice Rivers explained. They “enjoyed waving to their neighbors as they drove by.”

Is that good enough? In a world of inequities, it's always possible to find someone who is willing to tolerate what we ourselves would avoid, be it a toxic waste dump in the backyard or a risky medical experiment. In the world of business, that might be permissible. But according to the laws and ethical codes that govern clinical research, more is expected of us — not just to protect research subjects' human rights and dignity, but our own. One hopes it won't take a travesty on the scale of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study to realize it.
ivana23 ivana23 08:55 17.07.2008


dolybell92 dolybell92 08:58 17.07.2008


Kako se izlečiti od osnovne bolesti - a umreti od sporedne
ili tzv. nuzpojavnih ... bolesti ?

Novi tip leka... iz starih arhiva... na osnovu kojih
su se glavne bolesti (tada neizlečive) lečile izazivanjem druge ...
bolesti koja je bila izlečiva ... a koja je pomagala u lečenju osnovne bolesti

Zanima me od čega je taj pacijent završio ?
bindu bindu 09:23 17.07.2008


by Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

When in the course of organic evolution it becomes obvious that a mutational process is inevitably dissolving the physical and neurological bonds which connect the members of one generation to the past and inevitably directing them to assume among the species of Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them, a decent concern for the harmony of species requires that the causes of the mutation should be declared.

We hold these truths to be self evident:


That all species are created different but equal;

That they are endowed, each one, with certain inalienable rights;

That among them are Freedom to Live, Freedom to Grow, and Freedom to pursue Happiness in their own style;

That to protect these God-given rights, social structures naturally emerge, basing their authority on the principles of love of God and respect for all forms of life;

That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of life, liberty, and harmony, it is the organic duty of the young members of that species to mutate, to drop out, to initiate a new social structure, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its power in such form as seems likely to produce the safety, happiness, and harmony of all sentient beings.

Genetic wisdom, indeed, suggests that social structures long established should not be discarded for frivolous reasons and transient causes. The ecstasy of mutation is equally balanced by the pain. Accordingly all experience shows that members of a species are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, rather than to discard the forms to which they are accustomed.
* But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, all pursuing invariably the same destructive goals, threaten the very fabric of organic life and the serene harmony of the planet, it is the right, it is the organic duty to drop out of such morbid covenants and to evolve new loving social structures.

Such has been the patient sufferance of the freedom-loving peoples of this earth, and such is now the necessity which constrains us to form new systems of government.

The history of the white, menopausal, mendacious men now ruling the planet earth is a history of repeated violation of the harmonious laws of nature, all having the direct object of establishing a tyranny of the materialistic aging over the gentle, the peace-loving, the young, the colored. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to the judgment of generations to come.

These old, white rulers have maintained a continuous war against other species of life, enslaving and destroying at whim fowl, fish, animals and spreading a lethal carpet of concrete and metal over the soft body of earth.

They have maintained as well a continual state of war among themselves and against the colored races, the freedom-loving, the gentle, the young. Genocide is their habit.

They have instituted artificial scarcities, denying peaceful folk the natural inheritance of earth's abundance and God's endowment.

They have glorified material values and degraded the spiritual.

They have claimed private, personal ownership of God's land, driving by force of arms the gentle from passage on the earth.

In their greed they have erected artificial immigration and customs barriers, preventing the free movement of people.

In their lust for control they have set up systems of compulsory education to coerce the minds of the children and to destroy the wisdom and innocence of the playful young.

In their lust for power they have controlled all means of communication to prevent the free flow of ideas and to block loving exchanges among the gentle.

In their fear they have instituted great armies of secret police to spy upon the privacy of the pacific.

In their anger they have coerced the peaceful young against their will to join their armies and to wage murderous wars against the young and gentle of other countries.

In their greed they have made the manufacture and selling of weapons the basis of their economies.

For profit they have polluted the air, the rivers, the seas.

In their impotence they have glorified murder, violence, and unnatural sex in their mass media.

In their aging greed they have set up an economic system which favors age over youth.

They have in every way attempted to impose a robot uniformity and to crush variety, individuality, and independence of thought.

In their greed, they have instituted political systems which perpetuate rule by the aging and force youth to choose between plastic conformity or despairing alienation.

They have invaded privacy by illegal search, unwarranted arrest, and contemptuous harassment.

They have enlisted an army of informers.

In their greed they sponsor the consumption of deadly tars and sugars and employ cruel and unusual punishment of the possession of life-giving alkaloids and acids.

They never admit a mistake. They unceasingly trumpet the virtue of greed and war. In their advertising and in their manipulation of information they make a fetish out of blatant falsity and pious self-enhancement. Their obvious errors only stimulate them to greater error and noisier self-approval.

They are bores.
They hate beauty.
They hate sex.
They hate life.

We have warned them from time to time to their inequities and blindness. We have addressed every available appeal to their withered sense of righteousness. We have tried to make them laugh. We have prophesied in detail the terror they are perpetuating. But they have been deaf to the weeping of the poor, the anguish of the colored, the rocking mockery of the young, the warnings of their poets. Worshipping only force and money, they listen only to force and money. But we shall no longer talk in these grim tongues.

We must therefore acquiesce to genetic necessity, detach ourselves from their uncaring madness and hold them henceforth as we hold the rest of God's creatures - in harmony, life brothers, in their excess, menaces to life.

We, therefore, God-loving, peace-loving, life-loving, fun-loving men and women, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the Universe for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the Authority of all sentient beings who seek gently to evolve on this planet, solemnly publish and declare that we are free and independent, and that we are absolved from all Allegiance to the United States Government and all governments controlled by the menopausal, and that grouping ourselves into tribes of like-minded fellows, we claim full power to live and move on the land, obtain sustenance with our own hands and minds in the style which seems sacred and holy to us, and to do all Acts and Things which independent Freemen and Freewomen may of right do without infringing on the same rights of other species and groups to do their own thing.

And for the support of this Declaration of Evolution with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, and serenely confident of the approval of generations to come, in whose name we speak, do we now mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.
antioksidant antioksidant 09:33 17.07.2008


Lekovi koje je preporucivao Timoti F Liri su bas happy happy happy ....

bindu bindu 09:53 17.07.2008


Lekovi koje je preporucivao Timoti F Liri su bas happy happy happy ....

..... samo mali historiski vremeplov. samo nesto oko pre 60-godina....

zeks92 zeks92 10:24 17.07.2008


gorak zivot,gorak lek
spasi zivot, pisi cek
Jelena Pavlović Jelena Pavlović 11:30 17.07.2008

farm. industrija, osiguranje,mafija

E, ovo jes da je malo karikirano, ali nije daleko od istine. Kako muvaju sa tim medicinskim osiguranjima, Amerika ce postati zemlja treceg sveta jer ljudi nece moci da se levce, a o preventivnoj medicini da ne pricamo.
marta l marta l 12:23 17.07.2008

Lek a la grecque

Ja bi o slici ….elem u Aesklepion-u hramu boga Æsclepius-a (Eskulapa), lek je bio koliko u hramu, toliko I u citavom okruzenju. Bolesnik je, sa verom da lek postoji, tu cesto dolazio sa celom porodicom i svi su najpre uzivali u prijatnom ambijentu pod cempresima I mirtama, u zuboru vode, u muzici, I umetnostima….

I, gde je tu lek? Smiren I ohrabren ambijentiom, pacijent bi tek u trenutku kada bi bio spreman isao po lek. U san. Pod arkadama hrama, sa pogledom na statue Eskulapa nizale su se lezaljke na kojima bi bolesnik zaspao. U snu bi mu Eskulap cudesno pomogao da ozdravi, ili saveteovao sta da radi I koji je put ka ozdravljenju. Posle budjenja, svestenici bi pomogli bolesniku da protumaci san, dali mu herbalne lekove i savete kako da okrepi duh i telo.
I, stvar je uspesno funkcionisala stotinama godina. Bez kontraindikacija.

Naravno dveipohiljade godina kasnije sve se zove “healthy lifestyle & holistic healing; family support, positive thinking, belief in recovery..." I debelo naplacuje

nsarski nsarski 13:00 17.07.2008

Re: Lek a la grecque

Ali, cak i u ono vreme je Mr. Eskulap ziveo u super gajbi. Nije ono kao cika Jova travar u kolibi na planini:)))
marta l marta l 13:06 17.07.2008

Re: Lek a la grecque

pa naraFski kad je Mr Eskulap bio sin Mr. Apolona, lepota mu bila u krvi ))
aleksandarz92 aleksandarz92 12:23 17.07.2008


Kad te nešto boli idi kod lekara. I lekar treba od nečega da živi.

Kad ti lekar prepiše lekove, idi kod apotekara, treba i apotekar od nečega da živi.

Kad dođeš kući baci lekove. Treba i ti da živiš.
Inner Party Inner Party 17:35 17.07.2008

Nisam shvatio...

... cija je ovo prica?

nsarski nsarski 17:51 17.07.2008

Re: Nisam shvatio...

Inner Party
... cija je ovo prica?

E. Bogosian.
Inner Party Inner Party 17:57 17.07.2008

Re: Nisam shvatio...

Inner Party
... cija je ovo prica?

E. Bogosian.

Predrag Brajovic Predrag Brajovic 17:58 17.07.2008

Re: Nisam shvatio...

Inner Party
... cija je ovo prica?

E. Bogosian.

Поправља се ;-)
angie01 angie01 18:09 17.07.2008

Re: Nisam shvatio...

Predrag Brajovic


Inner Party... cija je ovo prica?E. Bogosian.Поправља се ;-)

Predrag Brajovic Predrag Brajovic 18:12 17.07.2008

Re: Nisam shvatio...

Нсрпски га је већ једном овде представљао, и мој коментар каже да ми се ово сада више допало него оно од прошли пут.
angie01 angie01 18:14 17.07.2008

Re: Nisam shvatio...

hvala, sad mi je jasnije:)
Predrag Brajovic Predrag Brajovic 18:31 17.07.2008

Re: Nisam shvatio...

Још једна Богосјанова прича може се наћи на домаћиновом посту насловљеном Пастув. Слична цивилизацијска снохватица-мора (налик у овом посту наведеној), код српских аутора недавно је исписана у овој књизи. Позабавите ли се мало текстовима који су на овом линку доступни у електронском облику, биће разумљива сличност.
И, наравно, обојици аутора препорука (Богосјану и Поповском).
blau.punkt blau.punkt 18:50 17.07.2008


sad ste me podsetili na jednu zgodu moga dede.
sjajan lik je to bio. mnogo je toga u zivotu napravio, izmedju ostalog i devet sinova.. a to je nekad bilo jako na ceni..

i.. dodje kod njega jedan veseljak po savet, jer eto, u kuci samo zensku celjad ima.

deda ga pogleda iskosa, prvo proba da ga ubedi da to nije vazno, da je vazno da su mu deca zdrava, ziva.. al ovaj, jok, navalio da mu deda oda TAJNU.
vidi deda da ima posla sa budalom, pa mu rece:
- dobro, kad si navalio, evo, reci cu ti. kad dodjes kuci, uzmi lepo i podvezi levo jaje cvrsto konopom.
ostavi tako cetiri dana, onda skini konop i navali na zenu.

naravno da je nesretnik ubrzo bio u bolovima, natecen.. kakav crni cetvrti dan.
dosao je posle kod dede i pitao ga sto mu je tako podvalio, a ovaj je samo sleg'o ramenima i rek'o:
- a kako drugacije da te opametim ?
Черевићан Черевићан 20:05 17.07.2008


несвакидашњи приступ лечењу оболелих, ендокринолога Дипак Чопре, да ајурведу ,најдревнију исцелитељску традицију човечанства споји са најновијим истраживањима западњачке медицине,неурологије & физике те покаже да људско тело контролише мрежа интелигенције а која има корен у квантној стварности , привлачи ме већ пар година какоми је до руку дошла његова књига квантно исцељење ( ако нисте ,прочитајте је ).
но једно је сигурно, веле стручњаци ,да ће се веома тешко открити ту сићушну честицу коју је природа обележила као "интелигенцију" ,што још очигледније бива кад схватимо да је уствари сва материја нашега тела (мала или велика ) створена са уграђеном интелигенцијом.
заврзлама тотална.
причају да је сер Џон Еклес ,нобеловац, у поводу телекинезе ( знате оно - покретање физичких објеката помоћу ума ) указао да ко жели да је устину види нека само помисли на подвиге које ум чини над материјом у самом мозгу.зачуђује наиме како ум сваком мишљу успева да створи нове молекуле покрећући пар елемената ( хидроген, карбон, кисеоник, нитроген ) јер чини се, да ништа није толико одвојено као нематеријална мисао и чврста сива ћелија мозга,те се комплетан трик одиграва без видљиве везе . . . .што је уствари телекинеза.
ето како се лако први пут назрело у науци да ум поседује видљиву платформу на којој стоји.наиме раније се мислило да ми претстављамо физичке машине које су некако научиле размишљати.сада се полако кристалише становиште да ми претстављамо мисли које су научиле да створе други облик свести - тјст нас.уосталом и др Чопра вели јасно у поводу дефиниције квантног исцељења да је оно способност једног облика свести ( ума ) да спонтано исправи грешке у другом облику свести (телу)

ето простије немош бити . . . све је углави . . . .и болести јок.
trifun92 trifun92 11:04 18.07.2008

Re: изглаве

зачуђује наиме како ум сваком мишљу успева да створи нове молекуле покрећући пар елемената ( хидроген, карбон, кисеоник, нитроген )

Ili mozda vodonik, ugljenik,kiseonik i azot?

Narocito za nekog ko stalno pise cirilicom...
Черевићан Черевићан 11:27 18.07.2008

о да

туђице у језику нам, посебно исказане ћириличним писмом ,сагласан сам, требају бити евидентиране ,те Вам будност очну г trifun-е92 поздрављам.

(пардонирам г нсарском на овом посве личном обраћају)
trifun92 trifun92 12:38 18.07.2008

Re: о да

Nemam nista protiv tudjica, bilo kojim pismom, osim kad su stvarno nepotrebne. Recimo, u vas uobicajeno folkloristicki stil pisanja, kojeg je vasa upotreba cirilice ocigledno bitan deo, slabo se uklapaju.

Ali se zato vasa reakcija u njega uklapa odlicno.

Ne bih da dalje opterecujem diskusiju o inace nadrealno duhovitom postu (samo da nije tako istinit).

Dovidjenja, g. Cerevican.
angie01 angie01 20:38 17.07.2008

e sharski,

chujem da je skoro bilo na vashem teveju, da su par doktora psihijatra, priznali da svi ti lekovi za depresiju, koje godinama uredno prepisuju, daju iste rezultate kao i placebo- samo shto ovako josh ima i sajd efekti, kao dodatak.
bindu bindu 22:28 17.07.2008

Re: e sharski,

hi.......ovaj text sam citala jos ranije i htela sam da stavim jos prrosli put al sm posle posla nekim drugim putem ....
pa reko ajde kad se vec nista ne desava mozda se nekom biti zanimljlivo da procita.....


by John Horgan

"Do Our Genes Influence Behavior? Why We Want to Think They Do"

Chronicle of Higher Education, November 26, 2004

A few weeks ago I was hurrying past a newsstand in Grand Central Station when the cover of the latest issue of Time stopped me short. Superimposed on a painting of a blue-skinned, red-lipped woman, her hands clasped in prayer, were the words "The God Gene." The article within reported that in a new book with that title, the geneticist Dean Hamer had traced belief in God to a specific gene. "Does our DNA compel us to seek a higher power?" Time asked.

The article left me pondering a different question: Given the track record of behavioral geneticists in general, and Dean Hamer in particular, why does anyone still take their claims seriously?

Behavioral genetics, which attempts to explain what we are and do in genetic terms, began with the English polymath Francis Galton, who in 1883 coined the term "eugenics" to refer to his proposal that humanity improve itself through judicious breeding. Galton's measurements of the physical and mental characteristics of various groups had convinced him that upper-class gentlemen like himself were innately smarter than poor white men, let alone "inferior races" like Africans. On a trip to Africa, however, Galton was mightily impressed with the physical endowments of Hottentot women, whose bodies he measured from afar with a sextant because he was too timorous to approach them.

Galton's ideas were carried forward in the United States by Charles Davenport, who directed biological research at the prestigious Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island around the turn of the last century. Davenport believed in the heritability of traits like pauperism, shiftlessness, and the ability to be a naval officer. The latter, he asserted, was composed of subtraits for thalassophilia, or love of the sea, and hyperkineticism, or wanderlust. Noting the paucity of female naval officers, Davenport concluded that the naval-officer trait must be unique to males.

Until recently behavioral geneticists could only estimate the contribution of genes to traits like musicality or criminality, based on inheritance patterns within families and other groups. But in the 1980s advances in biotechnology allowed researchers to pinpoint specific genes responsible for such highly heritable diseases as cystic fibrosis, Huntington's chorea, and early-onset breast cancer. Those successes emboldened behavioral geneticists to search for the genes underlying much more complex ailments, personality traits, and behaviors.

Over the past 15 years or so, researchers have announced the discovery of "genes for" attention-deficit disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, manic depression, schizophrenia, autism, dyslexia, alcoholism, heroin addiction, high IQ, male homosexuality, sadness, extroversion, introversion, novelty seeking, impulsivity, violent aggression, anxiety, anorexia, seasonal affective disorder, and pathological gambling. So far, not one of those claims has been confirmed. That should not be surprising, given that complex traits and disorders are almost certainly caused by many different genes interacting with many different environmental factors.

Moreover, the standard methodology of behavioral genetics results in many false positives. Researchers select a group of people who share a trait and start searching for a gene that occurs not necessarily in everybody in that group and in nobody outside it, but just more often in that group than in a control group. Critics point out that if you look at enough genes, you will almost inevitably find one that meets those criteria simply through chance.

Behavioral geneticists keep churning out new "discoveries" nonetheless, and the media keep hyping them. No researcher has attracted more media attention than Dean Hamer, chief of the Section on Gene Structure and Regulation in the Laboratory of Biochemistry at the National Cancer Institute.

In 1993, Hamer and four colleagues claimed in Science that their study of 40 pairs of gay brothers had turned up genetic markers in chromosome X associated with homosexuality. The announcement made headlines worldwide, and the resulting book, The Science of Desire (Simon and Schuster, 1994), which Hamer wrote with the journalist Peter Copeland, was one of The New York Times's "Notable Books" of 1994.

That same year, according to a report in the Chicago Tribune, one of the co-authors of his "gay-gene" paper accused him of improperly excluding data that did not support his conclusion. The charges triggered an investigation by the Office of Research Integrity of the Department of Health and Human Services that was quietly dropped several years later without any formal resolution. Meanwhile two other studies involving more subjects than Hamer had used found no evidence linking a gene in chromosome X to male homosexuality.

Compared to Hamer's original claim, those contradictory reports received virtually no media coverage. Indeed, in 1997 Discover lauded Hamer as a "big-gene hunter" leading the effort to ferret out "the genes that shape our individual personalities."

By then Hamer had, with co-authors, published two other papers linking specific genes to two different complex traits: novelty seeking, or thrill seeking, as many journalists described it; and harm avoidance, or neurosis. "Oedipus Schmoedipus," Time quipped in a story on the "neurosis gene." "The fault, Dear Sigmund, may be in our genes."

Two subsequent studies found no evidence for the novelty-seeking gene. The neurosis-gene report also remains unconfirmed.

Undeterred, Hamer contended in his 1998 book, Living with Our Genes (Doubleday), also written with Peter Copeland, that he and other researchers had demonstrated "beyond a doubt that genes are the single most important factor that distinguishes one person from another." He added that "whether anyone thinks it's a good idea or not, we soon will have the ability to change and manipulate human behavior through genetics." Hamer speculated that parents will be able to fine-tune children's genes so that they grow up healthier, smarter, happier, and blessed with more talent for, say, mathematics, music, or cooking. Such designer-baby predictions, which have been echoed by other prominent geneticists, are laughable, given the track record of behavioral genetics.

Incredibly, the "God gene" is based on even flimsier evidence than Hamer's previous claims. This work began in the late 1990s, when Hamer assembled 1,000 subjects for a study of the genetics of nicotine addiction. Participants filled out a detailed questionnaire, one section of which attempted to measure their "self-transcendence" or "spirituality" by asking them to rate their feelings of connectedness with nature, absent-mindedness, and belief in extrasensory perception, among other characteristics. Hamer decided to search for genes that occurred more often in "spiritual" subjects, and he finally found one that accounted for roughly one percent of the variation in his participants' test scores.

In The God Gene, Hamer describes that result as hitting "pay dirt," and in a sense he did because, according to Publishers Weekly, he received a "mid-six-figure" advance to write his book. In Scientific American, the journalist Carl Zimmer quipped that Hamer should have called his book "A Gene That Accounts for Less Than One Percent of the Variance Found in Scores on Psychological Questionnaires Designed to Measure a Factor called Self-Transcendence, Which Can Signify Everything From Belonging to the Green Party to Believing in ESP, According to One Unpublished, Unreplicated Study." But The God Gene has received positive coverage not only in Time but also in The New York Times and The Washington Post, both of which found his science "persuasive."

So back to my original question: Why are the claims of Hamer and other behavioral geneticists still taken seriously? The effort to identify the genetic basis of character traits was once associated with eugenics, social Darwinism, Nazism, and other right-wing, racist ideologies. To some extent it still is, most obviously in works like The Bell Curve, the 1994 bestseller in which Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray argued that blacks score lower than whites on IQ tests not because they are culturally disadvantaged but because they are innately less intelligent.

But other genetic theories have surprisingly broad appeal. Some gay activists, for example, support the effort to find a genetic basis for homosexuality; their hope is that society will become more tolerant of homosexuality if it is shown to stem from genes rather than conscious choice. Hamer, who is gay, has voiced that hope. Similarly, some advocates for the mentally ill have embraced theories that blame schizophrenia, manic depression, alcoholism, and other disorders on genes rather than on the character flaws of patients or their parents,. And in fact rigorous inheritance studies (yes, they do exist) suggest that some mental disorders are at least partially innate.

As a journalist, I also understand all too well the media's fondness for discoveries of a gene for [fill in the blank]. We science reporters occupy a humble niche in the vast news and entertainment industry; even someone as experienced and talented as Jeffrey Kluger, who wrote the "God gene" story for Time, must compete fiercely for editors’ and readers' attention. Discoveries of a "gay gene" or "God gene" are classic examples of what science writers call "gee-whiz" stories; the science is easy to understand, and its philosophical and social implications are titillating. Call it "gene-whiz" science.

Gene-whiz science also appeals to our profound desire for self-knowledge and self-improvement. That desire is in some respects admirable and even noble, but it can also get us into trouble. Science is never more dangerous than when it tells us who we are or who we should be. Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, after all, were both inspired by supposedly scientific theories of human nature.

There are responsible behavioral geneticists, but they rarely make headlines, because they emphasize the uncertainties of their research. Someday behavioral genetics may yield profound and even useful truths about why we do what we do, but for now we should view the grandiose claims of researchers like Hamer skeptically. Of course, some might say that that's just the anti-genetics gene in me talking.
nsarski nsarski 22:44 17.07.2008

Re: e sharski,

Mr. Hamer je najobicniji sarlatan. Kad my je teorija o gay genu propala, nasao je sada gen za religiju, tzv "God gene". Znam coveka licno, obicna budala koja ume da pravi lovu na senzacijama.

bindu bindu 23:02 17.07.2008

Re: e sharski,

Mr. Hamer je najobicniji sarlatan. Kad my je teorija o gay genu propala, nasao je sada gen za religiju, tzv "God gene". Znam coveka licno, obicna budala koja ume da pravi lovu na senzacijama.

a tu si....znaci znas text.....nisi moro ni citas.
uf kako ti rec sharlatan dobro stoji....bash shmekerski (ili tako neka rec slicno.)samo jos da nabacis i cilinder
pa dobro, nisam primetila da je clanak nista vise do neke zanimljivosti, kad je bas dosadno.......u neko vreme
kad se bas nista ne desava kao ovo sada naprimer....

p.s.moracu da iskopam neku zanimljivost iz sveta farmakologije ali ne veceras.
ipak smo u razlicitim vremenskim zonama.
fraud fraud 22:33 17.07.2008


je li ovaj txt o citostaticima ? ili o medicini uopste ?
gordanac gordanac 22:50 17.07.2008


(half-a-troll :))
...i česta rečenica (ma štagod značila...)
Kome je veka, tome je i - leka!

Pausini & Bocelli - Dare to Live - Vivere
bindu bindu 23:15 17.07.2008

Re: ----

(half-a-troll :))
...i česta rečenica (ma štagod značila...)
Kome je veka, tome je i - leka!

Pausini & Bocelli - Dare to Live - Vivere

vala bas...ako nista drugo srbija ima vode....da da....za lek

da..... voda je ustvari najbolji lek....i prana..
Jelica Greganović Jelica Greganović 23:36 17.07.2008


eksperiment ti je uspeo, digla mi se kosa na glavi...pu,pu,pu...da ne čuje zlo.

ivana23 ivana23 23:50 17.07.2008

Re: Učitelju,

Nisam smela da se odmah ofiram, ali uz Jelicu...

Pridruzujem se borbi protiv uroka.

edit: A i beli luk je lekovit!
angie01 angie01 03:46 18.07.2008

Re: ----

Kome je veka, tome je i - leka!

shta god znachila:))- zvuchi ispravno!
bindu bindu 11:36 18.07.2008

garlic je lek

nsarski nsarski 12:16 18.07.2008

Re: garlic je lek


Za otmenije pacijente ima i verzija:

Ne osecas se na beli luk kad konzumiras isti. Od finoce postanes
Madame Garlique

bindu bindu 13:20 18.07.2008

Re: garlic je lek

Overview...... a nastavak je ovde

Garlic has been used as both food and medicine in many cultures for thousands of years, dating as far back as the time that the Egyptian pyramids were built. Later, gravediggers in early 18 th -century France drank a concoction of crushed garlic in wine they believed would protect them from the plague that killed many people in Europe. More recently, during both World Wars I and II, soldiers were given garlic to prevent gangrene. Today garlic is used to help prevent heart disease, including atherosclerosis (plaque buildup in the arteries that can block the flow of blood and possibly lead to heart attack or stroke), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and to improve the immune system. Garlic may also protect against cancer.

While the science is not definitive at this point, much of the research is showing promise, and many clinicians continue to report improvements in the areas of cancer protection and heart-related risk factors for patients.

Garlic has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help destroy free radicals -- particles that can damage cell membranes, interact with genetic material, and possibly contribute to the aging process as well as the development of a number of conditions including heart disease and cancer. Free radicals occur naturally in the body, but environmental toxins (including ultraviolet light, radiation, cigarette smoking, and air pollution) can also increase the number of these damaging particles. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause over time.

There are several types of garlic preparations. Most clinical studies have been performed on aged garlic extract (AGE) or enteric coated, dried garlic tablets. The conditions for which garlic is showing the most promise include:

Cardiovascular disease

Studies report that garlic consumption may decrease the progression of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is associated with several factors, including raised serum total cholesterol, raised low density lipoprotein (LDL), and an increase in LDL oxidation (free radical damage), increased platelet aggregation (clumping), hypertension, and smoking. Garlic may help decrease LDL and total cholesterol levels while raising good cholesterols (high density lipoprotein, or HDL), decrease platelet aggregation (helps the blood flow more easily), and decrease blood pressure. Recently, garlic was also found to decrease two other markers of cardiovascular disease, homocysteine and C-reactive protein.

Garlic may also decrease blood pressure. Numerous studies have reported small reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure associated with the use of oral garlic.

Common cold

A well-designed study of nearly 150 people supports the value of garlic for preventing and treating the common cold. In this study, people received either garlic supplements or placebo for 12 weeks during "cold season" (between the months of November and February). Those who received the garlic had significantly fewer colds than those who received placebo. Plus, when faced with a cold, the symptoms lasted a much shorter time in those receiving garlic compared to those receiving placebo.


Garlic may strengthen the immune system and may help the body fight diseases such as cancer. Laboratory studies suggest that garlic may have some anti-cancer activity. Studies which follow groups of people over time suggest that people who have more raw or cooked garlic in their diet are less likely to have certain types of cancer, particularly colon and stomach cancers. Dietary garlic may also offer some protection against the development of breast, prostate, and laryngeal (throat) cancers.

* A large-scale study, called the Iowa Women's Health Study, looked at the garlic, fruit, and vegetable consumption in 41,000 middle-aged women. Results showed that women who regularly consumed garlic, fruits, and vegetables had 35% lower risk of developing colon cancer.
* Garlic may help the immune system function more effectively during times of need such as in cancer. In a study of 50 patients with inoperable colorectal, liver, or pancreatic cancer, immune activity was improved after they were given aged garlic extract for 6 months.
* Studies also suggest that aged garlic supplementation may reduce chemotherapy side effects such as fatigue and anorexia (lack of appetite). Further results found that the aged garlic decreased heart and intestinal damage commonly seen with certain chemotherapy agents.

While these results are promising, more research is needed to best understand whether dietary intake of garlic and other plants in the same family (such as onions, leeks, scallions, chives, and shallots) truly help to protect us from cancer.

Other uses

* Laboratory studies suggest that large quantities of fresh, raw garlic may have antiparasitic properties against the roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides, which is the most common type of intestinal parasite. Garlic for this purpose, however, has not yet been tested in people.
* Fresh garlic contains allicin, which is reported to be antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal. Some studies have reported that garlic consumption may kill bacteria known to cause ulcers, but there are also studies that report no effect on this bacteria. Several studies report that topical application of garlic may help in some fungal skin conditions, such as Tinea cruris and Tinea corporis.
bindu bindu 10:39 19.07.2008

Re: garlic je lek

o ovoj studiji vise ovde
i uopste jako puno studija je napravljeno u oblasti; Nutrition and Cancer: Frontiers for Cure,
pogledati na netu.....

Vitamin C: Cancer Cure?
by Marie McCullough | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06.19.2006

Is mainstream medical science ignoring an inexpensive, painless, readily available cure for cancer?

Mark Levine mulls this loaded question.

The government nutrition researcher has published new evidence that suggests vitamin C can work like chemotherapy - only better. But so far, he hasn't been able to interest cancer experts in conducting the kind of conclusive studies that, one way or the other, would advance treatment.

"If vitamin C is useful in cancer treatment, that's wonderful. If it's not, or if it's harmful, that's fine, too," said Levine, a Harvard-educated physician at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. "The goal is: Find what's true. Either way, the public wins, clinicians win, and patients win."

If Linus Pauling, the two-time Nobel laureate turned vitamin C zealot, had taken an equally dispassionate stance 30 years ago, who knows where the vitamin would be in oncology today. Surely not where it is: a dubious alternative on the fringes of medicine, despite its continuing links to remissions and cures.

This is not about popping supplements. It's about putting high-dose vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, into a vein, which requires needles and trained professionals.
Unfuckable Unfuckable 23:51 17.07.2008

ne zaboravimo

"Medicina se sastoji od 90% predpostavki i 10% sreće"
angie01 angie01 03:48 18.07.2008

Re: ne zaboravimo

"Medicina se sastoji od 90% predpostavki i 10% sreće"

he, he, znam prilichno sluchajeva, kojima je dijagnoza postavljna metodom eliminacije- ono, 'aj' prvo da izvadimo ovo,..shta nije to, pa da probamo onda ovo...:)))
Unfuckable Unfuckable 08:06 18.07.2008

Re: ne zaboravimo

he, he, znam prilichno sluchajeva, kojima je dijagnoza postavljna metodom eliminacije-

postoji regularna dijagnostika "per exlusionem" - zvuči čudno, ali tako je
ivana23 ivana23 08:53 18.07.2008

Re: ne zaboravimo

he, he, znam prilichno sluchajeva, kojima je dijagnoza postavljna metodom eliminacije- ono, 'aj' prvo da izvadimo ovo,..shta nije to, pa da probamo onda ovo...:)))

angie01 angie01 13:18 18.07.2008

Re: ne zaboravimo

he, he ivana, pa dok ne uvezbaju uvazeni,...
angie01 angie01 13:25 18.07.2008

Re: ne zaboravimo

zvuči čudno, ali tako je

..i shta, na kraju popunjavaju stafingom?:)))

( mada mi se chini, nek me ispravi ko zna bolje, da je pomenuta metoda u oblasti mikrobiologije-znachi da se u laboratoriji uzorak tesira na razlichite stvari, dok se ne dodje do prave dijagnoze, shto je je l te ipak neshto sasvim prihvatljivo,...ako sam uopshte potrefila o chemu se radi)
Taska Dana Taska Dana 01:26 18.07.2008

Sta, gde, kako, molim!!!????

Lekovi su lekovi a zdravlje je zdravlje. Posve dve razlicite stvari...:)

Lekovita mafija uopste nije zdrava. Ljak....



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