
Moje pismo

jaksa scekic RSS / 14.11.2009. u 00:56

Svi pisu neka pisma, Krugolina Ministru, Minicka Predsedniku,pa sto i ja ne bi napisao jedno.A pisem jer mi nije milo da jedan odlican novinar sedi u cosku, a raznorodni nepismeni se sepure po ekranu,kao sto ne volim ni kad novinari sede po zatvorima.BTW, nema diskusije, jer novinar o kome pisem nema pojma sta sam uradio,i necu da je izlazem raznoraznim komentarima i sikaniranju ni nju ni primaoca pisma.

Postovani Direktore,

Kao redovan platisa, te verujuci Vam da smo svi mi akcionari preduzeca koje tako uspesno vodite, zelim da Vas najlepse zamolim, da posle skoro tri meseca, ipak pustite na ekran novinarku Antonelu Rihu.
Ovo molim kao obican gledalac, u trenutku, kad nam licno saopstavate, toliko vazne vesti u  TVD 2,  da otvarate dva dopisnistva, i da su  BBC novinari , a sad belosvetski nastavnici-zavrsili obuku zaposlenih u Vasem preduzecu.

Uzgred, ako vec Vase preduzece uporedjujete sa BBC, onda uradite isto sto i BBC, Objavite zarade svog tima,putne i druge troskove na web sajtu Preduzeca, kako je to uradio BBC.

Ali, razlog zbog koga Vam pisem je , vec sam spomenuo,da Vas najlepse zamolim  da pustite  Antonelu Rihu da radi. Ako joj vec ne date da radi, onda bar neka ide na neku televiziju. Jer, za ova tri meseca gledajuci Vasu TV, shvatio sam nameru i zasto ste odlucili  da dovedete Gospodjicu Rihu sa toliko pompe. Potrebna vam je.


Verujem da su tri meseca bila dovoljna za zadovoljenje Vase sujetu kad je rec o rukovodiocu preduzeca u kome je Riha radila. Tri meseca je dovoljno za Vas trijumf. Ali ne verujem da ste toliko bogati da nekome takvog kvaliteta dajete vec tri meseca platu da ne radi, a za to vreme na programu…..
Nije korektno da mi, obicni gledaoci ispastamo zbog toga. Verujem da je i tri meseca bilo dovoljno da se Riha snadje u novom kolektivu. Nadam se da razlog nije taj sto mozda Riha nije prosla obuku (ex) BBC-a novinara. (Istina nekim na Vasoj TV ni dozivotna obuka ne bi pomogla,a gledamo ih stalno).

I na kraju zelim Vam puno uspeha u buducem radu, uspesan kraj  Vase predizborne kampanje i dobijanje drugog mandata.

Nadam se da cete nas uskoro obradovati odlukom da jednom odlicnom novinaru date priliku na ekranu.

Stalno govorite da je  konkurencija dobra stvar za gledanost, ili ste mozda promenili stav. Da gledanost vise nije bitna-vec kvalitet.Moguce, jer prosle nedelje koliko sam shvatio ,od 20 najgledanijih programa, njih 12 su bili sa drugih TV.

 Verujem da je to samo trenutak slabosti,i da se vise nece ponoviti. To je i u mom interesu kao akcionara Vase TV, da Preduzece koje tako uspesno vodite, bude jos bolje.

Narocito u trenutku, kad iduce nedelje, Vas bivi sluzbenik i saradnik pokrece svoju TV koja ce se videti na teritoriji Srbije.

S dubokim postovanjem


PS:Da ne ispadne da pisem nesto sto nije tacno:


Top BBC bosses' salaries revealed

The salaries of the top 100 decision-makers at the BBC have been published online in a move for greater openness.

The details, which include business-related expenses, have been revealed in line with plans set out by director general Mark Thompson in July.

Shadow Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt welcomed the move, but said the BBC now needed to publish details of what it pays its celebrity talent.

The figures show almost all of the top executives earn more than £100,000.

"This is good news as far as it goes and I welcome it as a step in the right direction," Mr Hunt said.

"They can't stop here though. We must see a full breakdown of what the BBC pays their celebrity talent - it is licence fee payers' money and full transparency is a must."


'Significant move'

Caroline Thomson, the BBC's chief operating officer, said the corporation would publish "a precise total amount" that the BBC spends on talent early next year.

The BBC says it has gone beyond any other public body in organising and publishing the data and will now publish the details on a regular quarterly basis.

"Today's quarterly disclosure is a significant move for the BBC in our continued commitment to achieving ever greater openness and transparency to the public who pay for the BBC," said Ms Thomson.

Taxis : - £46,110.25 Hospitality (internal and external) : £30,314.87 Flights (UK and international) : £50,375.00 Hotels (UK and international) : £16,678.34 Overall total : £174,650.42 Expenses for the first three months of the financial year 2009/10

"The launch is a direct response to the public who have indicated that they would like more information about how the BBC is run in a way which marks a step change in openness, simplicity and accountability."

The details can be found on the About The BBC section of the BBC website and offers specific information on each of the 107 senior managers in terms of leadership, financial and decision-making responsibility.

As part of the expenses claims, it was also revealed that for the first three months of the financial year, the senior executives spent £46,110 on taxis and £30,315 on hospitality.

At the end of October the BBC Trust announced a series of measures the corporation is undertaking regarding its senior management.

The BBC intends to cut its senior management pay bill by 25%, freeze current pay and bonuses for senior staff and reduce the total numbers of senior staff over a three-and-a-half year period.





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