Mark Tven i Šon Pen - retko pametni i hrabri Amerikanci...

Radovan Nastić RSS / 20.10.2007. u 14:45

 Sedimo juče Dragan Papić i ja, i pričamo o tenisu - plesanju Federera po terenu i gde je tu Nole... Ok, mlad je još, ako u godinama koje sada ima Federer bude imao i njegovu pamet - biće neprikosnoven. Naravno, sa sporta prešli na politiku. O njoj ne pričamo mnogo, samo zaključimo da su tipovi kao Zoran Ćirjaković retka pojava zdravog razuma kod analitičara stvarnosti Srbije...

I onda mi sa PLJUS-a stigne pismo Nebojše, neznanog kolege sa Papićeve mejling liste, o Mark Tvenu. a ja odavno čuvam pismo Šon Pena...

From: "nebojsa" <nebojsa@..........

>Date: October 18, 2007 8:14:47 AM GMT+02:00

Subject: Mark Tvejnovi komentari o  najvećoj američkoj vojnoj pobjedi i američkom stilu ratovanja 

Kad čovjek pročita ovaj posthumno objavljeni članak Mark Tvejna onda mu tek postaje jasno zašto je naš Nikola Tesla od svih svojih prijatelja upravo ovog slavnog američkog pisca stavljao na najviše mjesto.


(The Moro Crater massacre is a name given to the final phase of the First Battle of Bud Dajo, a military engagement of the Philippine-American War which took place March 10, 1906, on the isle of Jolo in the southern Philippines.)

The official report stated that the battle was fought with prodigious energy on both sides during a day and a half, and that it ended with a complete victory for the American arms. The completeness of the victory for the American arms. The completeness of the victory is established by this fact: that of the six hundred Moros not one was left alive. The brilliancy of the victory is established by this other fact, to wit: that of our six hundred heroes only fifteen lost their lives.General Wood was present and looking on. His order had been. “Kill or capture those savages.” Apparently our little army considered that the “or” left them authorized to kill or capture according to taste, and that their taste had remained what it has been for eight years, in our army out there - the taste of Christian butchers.

Comments on the Moro Massacre by Mark Twain (March 12, 1906)

This incident burst upon the world last Friday in an official cablegram from the commander of our forces in the Philippines to our Government at Washington. The substance of it was as follows: A tribe of Moros, dark-skinned savages, had fortified themselves in the bowl of an extinct crater not many miles from Jolo; and as they were hostiles, and bitter against us because we have been trying for eight years to take their liberties away from them, their presence in that position was a menace. Our commander, Gen. Leonard Wood, ordered a reconnaissance. It was found that the Moros numbered six hundred, counting women and children; that their crater bowl was in the summit of a peak or mountain twenty-two hundred feet above sea level, and very difficult of access for Christian troops and artillery. Then General Wood ordered a surprise, and went along himself to see the order carried out. Our troops climbed the heights by devious and difficult trails, and even took some artillery with them. The kind of artillery is not specified, but in one place it was hoisted up a sharp acclivity by tackle a distance of some three hundred feet. Arrived at the rim of the crater, the battle began. Our soldiers numbered five hundred and forty. They were assisted by auxiliaries consisting of a detachment of native constabulary in our pay -- their numbers not given -- and by a naval detachment, whose numbers are not stated. But apparently the contending parties were about equal as to number -- six hundred men on our side, on the edge of the bowl; six hundred men, women and children in the bottom of the bowl. Depth of the bowl, 50 feet.Gen. Wood's order was, "Kill or capture the six hundred."

The battle began-it is officially called by that name-our forces firing down into the crater with their artillery and their deadly small arms of precision; the savages furiously returning the fire, probably with brickbats-though this is merely a surmise of mine, as the weapons used by the savages are not nominated in the cablegram. Heretofore the Moros have used knives and clubs mainly; also ineffectual trade-muskets when they had any.The official report stated that the battle was fought with prodigious energy on both sides during a day and a half, and that it ended with a complete victory for the American arms. The completeness of the victory for the American arms. The completeness of the victory is established by this fact: that of the six hundred Moros not one was left alive. The brilliancy of the victory is established by this other fact, to wit: that of our six hundred heroes only fifteen lost their lives.General Wood was present and looking on. His order had been. "Kill or capture those savages." Apparently our little army considered that the "or" left them authorized to kill or capture according to taste, and that their taste had remained what it has been for eight years, in our army out there - the taste of Christian butchers.The official report quite properly extolled and magnified the "heroism" and "gallantry" of our troops; lamented the loss of the fifteen who perished, and elaborated the wounds of thirty-two of our men who suffered injury, and even minutely and faithfully described the nature of the wounds, in the interest of future historians of the United States. It mentioned that a private had one of his elbows scraped by a missile, and the private's name was mentioned. Another private had the end of his nose scraped by a missile. His name was also mentioned - by cable, at one dollar and fifty cents a word.Next day's news confirmed the previous day's report and named our fifteen killed and thirty-two wounded again, and once more described the wounds and gilded them with the right adjectives.Let us now consider two or three details of our military history. In one of the great battles of the Civil War ten per cent of the forces engaged on the two sides were killed and wounded. At Waterloo, where four hundred thousand men were present on the two sides, fifty thousand fell, killed and wounded, in five hours, leaving three hundred and fifty thousand sound and all right for further adventures. Eight years ago, when the pathetic comedy called the Cuban War was played, we summoned two hundred and fifty thousand men. We fought a number of showy battles, and when the war was over we had lost two hundred and sixty-eight men out of our two hundred and fifty thousand, in killed and wounded in the field, and just fourteen times as many by the gallantry of the army doctors in the hospitals and camps. We did not exterminate the Spaniards -- far from it. In each engagement we left an average of two per cent. of the enemy killed or crippled on the field.Contrast these things with the great statistics which have arrived from that Moro crater! There, with six hundred engaged on each side, we lost fifteen men killed outright, and we had thirty-two wounded-counting that nose and that elbow. The enemy numbered six hundred -- including women and children -- and we abolished them utterly, leaving not even a baby alive to cry for its dead mother. This is incomparably the greatest victory that was ever achieved by the Christian soldiers of the United States.Now then, how has it been received? The splendid news appeared with splendid display-heads in every newspaper in this city of four million and thirteen thousand inhabitants, on Friday morning. But there was not a single reference to it in the editorial columns of any one of those newspapers. The news appeared again in all the evening papers of Friday, and again those papers were editorially silent upon our vast achievement. Next day's additional statistics and particulars appeared in all the morning papers, and still without a line of editorial rejoicing or a mention of the matter in any way. These additions appeared in the evening papers of that same day (Saturday) and again without a word of comment. In the columns devoted to correspondence, in the morning and evening papers of Friday and Saturday, nobody said a word about the "battle." Ordinarily those columns are teeming with the passions of the citizen; he lets no incident go by, whether it be large or small, without pouring out his praise or blame, his joy or his indignation about the matter in the correspondence column. But, as I have said, during those two days he was as silent as the editors themselves. So far as I can find out, there was only one person among our eighty millions who allowed himself the privilege of a public remark on this great occasion -- that was the President of the United States. All day Friday he was as studiously silent as the rest. But on Saturday he recognized that his duty required him to say something, and he took his pen and performed that duty. If I know President Roosevelt -- and I am sure I do -- this utterance cost him more pain and shame than any other that ever issued from his pen or his mouth. I am far from blaming him. If I had been in his place my official duty would have compelled me to say what he said. It was a convention, an old tradition, and he had to be loyal to it. There was no help for it. This is what he said:Washington, March 10. Wood, Manila:

- I congratulate you and the officers and men of your command upon the brilliant feat of arms wherein you and they so well upheld the honor of the American flag.

(Signed) Theodore Roosevelt.

His whole utterance is merely a convention. Not a word of what he said came out of his heart. He knew perfectly well that to pen six hundred helpless and weaponless savages in a hole like rats in a trap and massacre them in detail during a stretch of a day and a half, from a safe position on the heights above, was no brilliant feat of arms - and would not have been a brilliant feat of arms even if Christian America, represented by its salaried soldiers, had shot them down with Bibles and the Golden Rule instead of bullets. He knew perfectly well that our uniformed assassins had not upheld the honor of the American flag, but had done as they have been doing continuously for eight years in the Philippines - that is to say, they had dishonored it.The next day, Sunday, -- which was yesterday -- the cable brought us additional news - still more splendid news -- still more honor for the flag. The first display-head shouts this information at us in the stentorian capitals: 


"Slaughter" is a good word. Certainly there is not a better one in the Unabridged Dictionary for this occasion

The next display line says:"With Children They Mixed in Mob in Crater, and All Died Together."

They were mere naked savages, and yet there is a sort of pathos about it when that word children falls under your eye, for it always brings before us our perfectest symbol of innocence and helplessness; and by help of its deathless eloquence color, creed and nationality vanish away and we see only that they are children -- merely children. And if they are frightened and crying and in trouble, our pity goes out to them by natural impulse. We see a picture. We see the small forms. We see the terrified faces. We see the tears. We see the small hands clinging in supplication to the mother; but we do not see those children that we are speaking about. We see in their places the little creatures whom we know and love.

The next heading blazes with American and Christian glory like to the sun in the zenith:

"Death List is Now 900."

I was never so enthusiastically proud of the flag till now!

Tven kod Tesle...
Tven kod Tesle...

Mark Twain (a/k/a Samuel Langhorne Clemens) in the lab of Nikola Tesla, spring of 1894.
Taken in the spring of 1894, and originally published as part of an article by T.C. Martin called "Tesla's Oscillator and Other Inventions" that appeared in the Century Magazine (April 1895).

Twain made a substantial amount of money through his writing, but he spent much of it in bad investments, mostly in new inventions. He was fascinated with science and scientific inquiry. He developed a close and lasting friendship with Nikola Tesla, and the two spent much time together in Tesla's laboratory. His book A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court features a tome treveler from contemporary America, using his knowledge of science to introduce modern technology to Arthurian England. Twain inventions included a bed clamp for infants, a new type of steam engine, and the kaolatype (or vollotype, a machine designed to engrave printing plates). The Paige typesetting machine was a beautifully engineered mechanical marvel that amazed viewers when it worked, but was prone to breakdowns; before it could be commercially perfected it was made obsolete by the Linotype. He patented an improvement in adjustable and detachable straps for garments.


Nju Orleans. Čovek pomaže Čoveku
Nju Orleans. Čovek pomaže Čoveku








''Georgie, There's a Crowd Downstairs''


Sean Penn received the 2006 Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award from the Creative Coalition on December 18, 2006, in New York City, where he delivered the following speech.

The Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award. For the purposes of tonight and my own personal enjoyment, I'm going to yield to the notion that I deserve this.

And in the spirit of that, tell you that I am very honored to receive it. And for this I thank the Creative Coalition and my friend Charlie Rose. It does seem appropriate to take this opportunity to exercise the right that honors us all--freedom of speech.

Note for later:

The original title for the Louis XVI comedy called "Start The Revolution Without Me" was one of my favorites. That original title was "Louis, There's a Crowd Downstairs." But I'll come back to that...

Words may be our most civil weapons of change, when they connect to actions of sacrifice, or good will, but they have no grace or power without bold clarity. So, if you'll bear with me, borrowing a line from Bob Dylan, "Let us not talk falsely now--the hour is getting late."

Global warming

Massive pollution

Non-stop U.S. war in Iraq

Attacks on civil liberties under the banner of war on terror

Military spending

You and I, U.S. taxpayers, spend 1 1/2 billion dollars on an Iraq-war-'focused' military everyday, while social needs cry out.

Health care


Public transit

Environmental protections

Affordable housing

Job training

Public investment

And, levy building.

We depend largely for information on these issues from media industries, driven by the bottom line to such an extent that the public interest becomes uninteresting.

And should we speak truth, we stand against government efforts to intimidate or legislate in the service of censorship. Whether under the guise of a Patriot Act or any other benevolent-sounding rationale for the age-old game of shutting down dissent by discouraging independent thinking and preventing progressive social change.

The most effective forms of de facto censorship are pre-emptive. Systemically, we are encouraged to keep our heads down, out of the line of fire--to avoid the danger, god forbid, that someone in the White House, on Capitol Hill, or a media blow-hard might take a shot at us.

But, as a practical matter, most of the limits on creative expression and other forms of free speech come from self-censorship, where the mechanism of corporate clout offers carrots and brandishes sticks. We avoid a conflict before the conflict materializes. We reach for the carrots and stay out of range of sticks.

Decades ago, Fred Friendly called it a "positive veto"--corporations putting big money behind shows that they want to establish and perpetuate. Whether in journalism or drama, creative efforts that don't gain a financial "positive veto" are dismissible, then dismissed. We may not call that "censorship." But whatever we call it, the effects of a "positive veto" system are severe. They impose practical limits on efforts to bring the most important realities to public attention sooner rather than later...

We're beginning to see more revealing images of this war. But it's later now, isn't it? What we have to pay attention to are the results of these "practical limits." One, is that wars become much easier to launch than to halt.

I've got a feeling about how we can begin to change this process and I want to pass it by you. Children grow up in our country -- many by the way, under conditions of extreme poverty -- and are told from a very early age "You will be accountable!" "With freedom, comes responsibility!" And so the lecture goes...Democratic and Republican alike. Lie-cheat-steal, and there will be consequences! Theft will be punished. Actions that cause the deaths of others will be severely punished. The message, from leaders in Washington, news media, mom, dad, and church is clear. Criminals MUST be held accountable.

Now, there's been a lot of talk lately on Capitol Hill about how impeachment should be "off the table." We're told that it's time to look ahead--not back...

Can you imagine how far that argument would go for the defense at an arraignment on charges of grand larceny, or large-scale distribution of methamphetamines? How about the arranging of a contract killing on a pregnant mother? "Indictment should be off the table." Or "Let's look forward, not backward." Or "We can't afford another failed defendant."

Our country has a legal system, not of men and women, but of laws. Why then are we so willing to put inconvenient provisions of the U.S. constitution and federal law "off the table?" Our greatest concern right now should be what to put ON the table. Unless we're going to have one set of laws for the powerful and another set for those who can't afford fancy lawyers, then truth matters to everyone. And accountability is a matter of human and legal principle. If we're going to continue wagging our fingers at the disadvantaged transgressors, then I suggest we be consistent. If truth and accountability can be stretched into sham concepts, we may as well open the gates of all our jails and prisons, where, by the way, there are more people behind bars than any other country in the world. One in every 32 American adults is behind bars, on probation, or on parole as we stand here tonight.

Which is to say that, globally, the United States is number one at demanding accountability and backing up that demand with imprisonment. But, when it comes to our president, vice president, secretary of state, former secretary of defense...this insistence on accountability vanishes. All of a sudden, what's past is prologue. And we're just "forward-looking." But some people can't just look forward. Men and women stationed in Iraq at this moment, under orders of a Commander-in-Chief so sufficiently practiced in the art of deception, that he got vast numbers of American journalists and the most esteemed media outlets of this country, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, and PBS to eagerly serve his agenda-building for war. And the process also induced vast numbers of artists and performers (probably even some in this room tonight) to keep quiet and facilitate the push for an invasion in Iraq.

I'm sure many people who I met in Baghdad, both in my trips prior to and during the occupation, now similarly cannot just look forward. With lives so entirely shattered by a violence of occupation--an ongoing U.S. war effort and the civil war that it has catalyzed. All on the back of a crumbled infrastructure, following eleven years of devastating U.N. sanctions.

And, where is the accountability on behalf of the American dead and wounded, their families, their friends, and the people of the United States who have seen their country become a world pariah. These events have been enabled by people named Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld, and Rice, as they continue to perpetuate a massive fraud on American democracy and decency.

On January 11, 2003, I made an appearance on Larry King's show following my first trip to Iraq. I suggested that every American mother and father sit down with a scrap of paper and pencil and scribble the following words: Dear Mr. and Mrs. So-and-so -- We regret to inform you that your son or daughter so-and-so, was killed in action in Iraq. I then asked that those mothers and fathers complete that letter in whatever way might comfort them should they receive it. When one considers what a bewildered continuation of those words a parent might attempt to write today, it seems inconceivable that this country could've ever bought into this war. Who were those mothers and fathers believing in?! We know it's not the administration alone, but a culture at large, cloaking itself in self-righteousness, religion, and adolescent hero-dreaming machismo. Would they have believed Rush Limbaugh if they'd known he was high as a kite on OxyContin? Would they have believed the factually impaired Bill O'Reilly if they knew he was massaging his rectum with a loofah while telephonically harassing a staffer? Hannity, had they known he was simply a whore to the cause of his pimps--Murdoch and Ailes? Or the little bow-tie putz, if they knew all he was seeking was a good laugh from Jon Stewart? Maybe our countrymen and women were listening to Ted Haggert while he was whiffing meth and boning a muscle-headed gigolo? Or Mark Foley seeking junior weenis? Joe Lieberman, sitting Shiva? And Toby Keith, singing about how big his boots are?

"Oh, there goes Sean...he had to go and name-call. They say he can't help himself." Or, did I name-call? Maybe I just quickly summed up 7 or 8 little truths. Oh, no, you're right--I name-called. I said, "putz". I take it back. Or, do I? Did I say "whore?" Pimp? These are questions. But, the real and great questions of conscience and accountability would not loom so ominously -- unanswered or evaded at such tremendous cost -- without our day-to-day failure to insist on genuine accountability. Of course we'd prefer some easy ways to get there. But no easy ways exist. Not a new Congress. Not Barack Obama. And, not John McCain. His courage in North Vietnamese prison makes him a heroic man. His voting record in Congress makes him a damaging public servant. We have gotta stand the fuck up and show the world how powerful are the people in a democracy. That's how we regain our position of example, rather than pariah, to the world at large. And that is how we can begin to put up our chins and allow pride and unification to raise our own quality of life and security.

They tell us we lost 3,000 Americans on 9/11. Is that enough? We're about to match it. We're within weeks, if not less, of killing 3,000 Americans in Iraq. I ask Speaker Pelosi, can we put impeachment on the table then? Without former FEMA chief Mike Brown being held accountable, post Katrina (scapegoat though he may have been) we'd have had the same chaos and neglect when Rita hit Houston. Think about it. And, the same people who trumpet deterrence as a justification for punishment when we speak of "crime and punishment," will boast their positive thinking when dismissing the deterrent qualities of an impeachment proceeding.

What is impeachment? It's not a Democratic versus Republican event. Not if used responsibly. If the House of Representatives votes to impeach this president, is he thrown out of office? No, he is not thrown out of office. That is not what impeachment is. Impeachment is the opportunity to proceed with accountability and give our elected senators, democratic and republican, the power to pursue a thorough investigation. The power to put the truth on the table. Mothers and fathers are losing their kids to horrifying deaths in this war every single day. Horrible deaths. Horrible maimings. Were crimes committed in enlisting the support of our country in this decision to go to war? For the moment we're living the most spineless of scenarios; where the hawks abused impeachment eight years ago, now, the rest of us politely refuse to use it today. Let's give the whistle-blowers cover, let's get the subpoenas out there, and then, one by one, put this administration under oath. And then, if the crimes of "Treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" are proven, do as Article 2, Section 4 of the United States Constitution provides, and remove "the President, Vice President and...civil officers of the United States" from office. If the Justice Department then sees fit to bunk them up with Jeff Skilling, so be it.

So...look, if we attempt to impeach for lying about a blowjob, yet accept these almost certain abuses without challenge, we become a cum-stain on the flag we wave. You know, I was listening to Frank Rich this morning, speaking on a book tour. He said he thought impeachment proceedings would amount to a "decadent" sidetrack, while our soldiers were still being killed. I admire Frank Rich. And of course he would be right if impeachment is all we do. But we're Americans. We can do two things at the same time. Yes, let's move forward and swiftly get out of this war in Iraq AND impeach these bastards.

Christopher Reeve promised to get out of that chair. Well, I don't know about you, but it feels like he's up now and I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't on his shoulders. Let it be for something.

Georgie, there's a crowd downstairs.

Thank you and good night.


u poseti Teheranu...
u poseti Teheranu...


Komentari (124)

Komentare je moguće postavljati samo u prvih 7 dana, nakon čega se blog automatski zaključava

vucko vucko 02:06 22.10.2007

Na braniku otadžbine

Amerika je genocidna tvorevina od svog nastanka do danas.
Anti-amerikanizam je fraza koju volite da bacate svima koji bilo šta loše kažu o USA.
To što pišeš ćirilicom te čini Srbinom ?? Mojne, molim te, znam celu priču.

Srbijo, pored ovakvih branilaca, neprijatelji su ti čist višak.
Srđan Fuchs Srđan Fuchs 02:26 22.10.2007

Re: Srdjane, Srdjane....

Radovan Nastić
... kao mi Srbi ?? Vi sa stranim pasošem ?? Ili mi sa ovdašnjim ?? To što pišeš ćirilicom te čini Srbinom ?? Mojne, molim te, znam celu priču.

хјех, не мрем веровати шта си ми сада написао? јеси то на Радовој трибини научио? како се човек промени када покушава острашћеност да учини рационалном. е, ориџинал генгста, ми смо завршили са даљњом причом.
Drago Kovacevic Drago Kovacevic 09:52 22.10.2007

Re: Drago,

Radovan Nastić

Da li je ovaj komentar od gore zajedljiv, ili ste - smo - zakopali ratnu sekiru ? :):)

veliki pozdrav...

Nema ratne sekire Radovane..nija nikada postojala pa nemamo šta zakopavati..o))
Nisam zajedljiv pogotovo što sam sada siguran da ti sjajno rezonuješ kad se uzme u obzir tvoje priznanje da si pod direktnim uticajem takvih "genijalaca" kao što su Ćirjaković i Duci Simonović..o))
pozdrav od sveg srca..
vlada dvm vlada dvm 13:24 22.10.2007

Re: Muski, Radovane

ovo bi mogao da bude (nedostižni ?) model za rasprave neistomišljenika na blogu ....Respect obojici

Citam i ne verujem. Postoje ljudi koji nisu sujetni?!?!? Na ovom blogu!??!!? Sujeta je znak slabosti, neznanja...Moje postovanje i divljenje R. Nasticu koji nije pokazao ni truncicu iste. Zaista, RESPECT! ! ! ! ! !
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 13:56 22.10.2007

Re: Muski, Radovane

Ma ima ih mnogo Vlado, ali više ne pišu.
Pozdrav veliki, poštovanje uzvraćeno.
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 14:00 22.10.2007

Drago, Drago, Dragooooo :):)

pozdrav bre, pogledaj, pada kiša, napolju je divno, a mi svi mladi....
Budi dobro i Uživaj !!
p.s. A ovih dana stiže i Bajern ?
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 14:02 22.10.2007

Srdjane, Srdjane....Srdjane.

Uz istorijat našeg poznanstva... Ma sve imaš u pismu.

Ohladi glavu pa odgovori.

Drago Kovacevic Drago Kovacevic 14:10 22.10.2007

Re: Drago, Drago, Dragooooo :):)

Radovan Nastić
pozdrav bre, pogledaj, pada kiša, napolju je divno, a mi svi mladi....
Budi dobro i Uživaj !!
p.s. A ovih dana stiže i Bajern ?

To znači da se vraćamo tamo gde smo nekada bili..o))) U decembar 1979. Vodimo 3-0 i Diter Henes nas za 10 minuta uništi. Dva gola i ispadosmo...o)) To je bila Pižonova utakmica života...
Uživaj Rašo...
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 14:14 22.10.2007

Re: Drago, Drago, Dragooooo :):)

Čekaj, a onaj ludi gol u 90-om za 2-2 ??
Da sam navijao za Zvezdu, riknuo bih tada.
a mene od Pižona boli glava, slušao sam ga kao pomoćnika komentatora na nakom Svetskom prvenstvu...Uh. Tabla kafetina.
Drago Kovacevic Drago Kovacevic 16:56 22.10.2007

Re: Drago, Drago, Dragooooo :):)

Radovan Nastić
Čekaj, a onaj ludi gol u 90-om za 2-2 ??
Da sam navijao za Zvezdu, riknuo bih tada.
a mene od Pižona boli glava, slušao sam ga kao pomoćnika komentatora na nakom Svetskom prvenstvu...Uh. Tabla kafetina.

Dobro. To je 1991. Tad smo stvarno zaslužili pa je nagrada došla u zadnjem minutu..Augentaler...
Pižon je bio mnogo bolji igrač nego li je trener ili komentator...
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 17:06 22.10.2007

Re: Drago, Drago, Dragooooo :):)

Znam, gledao sam ga početkom 80-ih, tada je Dinamo imao sjajnu ekipu...
Mada nisam očekivao od Piksija - pade mi na pamet kao jedna od '' Zvezdinih zvezda'' - da ispadne takav ljakse...
Od onoga sa poršeom - koliko nisko, do ovog bekstva...
mudri mudri 13:46 21.10.2007

Amerika zemlja velika

Pre neku godinu bio sam u istoj i negde ujutro oko 9h na lokalnoj televiziji gledao poziv na vecernju sluzbu u crkvu. Sve se desava u Norfolk-u VA. Jedan svestenik, afro amerikanac, sto bi se reklo na PK jeziku, sve u odori i u nekom polu transu, u krupnom planu poziva vernike na sluzbu, recima:
“Common everyone , come to St.G... church this evning at 6 o' clock ... We will pray the God and eat a pizza... free pizza and soda for everyone...Aleluja!”
Malo sam bio u shoku, al sam se oporavio.

PS: Ako lazem nek me zgazi tramvaj.
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 19:19 21.10.2007

Re: Amerika zemlja velika

ha ha

pa verujem ti - Crnci bar rade nesto korisno za svoju zajednicu - dele sok i klopu u crkvi, šta više od Boga tražiti ? :)
berab berab 19:21 21.10.2007

Uzrok patnji

Pre 2.500 godina Buda je rekao da je uzrok svih patnji pogresna slika realnosti koju nosimu u svom umu.Zato obican Amerikanac veruje u ono sto mu njegovi zvanicnici i mediji plasiraju.On ima ovakvu sliku o Americi:
-velika zemlja,bogata zemlja ima zakona.Cini se da je sve vecno i sve na svom mestu.Vlast kakva je da je uliva postovanje.Stiti ih od kriminalaca i hapsi iste,neke i osudi pa ih ubije.Ima se novca,zivi se udobno i lepo(za veliku vecinu obicnog sveta)ako hoces da radis.
Elem ono sto ta vlast i mediji kazu mora biti istinito.Dakle model realnosti koji velika vecina tih ljudi ima u svojim glavama(nazovimo ga operacioni sistem)namesten je tako da prihvata onu realnost o ostatku sveta koju im prenose njihovi mediji.Oni nemaju razloga da sumnjaju jer ti mediji ne lazu kada je u pitanju njihova zemlja.Pa zasto bi onda lagali ako je u pitanju tudja?I zato velika vecina Amerikanaca ne sumnja(osim onih koji dobiju pismu u kojem ih Vrhovna komanda obavestava da je njihov sin,braneci interese SAD i td.itd...Ali takvih je ipak tek mali deo,ogromna vecina ne dobija ta pisma i ne zna licno nekog koji ih dobija.
U Evropi a posebno u komunistickim zemljama vlast i mediji su prikazivali realnost za koju smo mogli da se uverimo da ne odgovara nasoj percepciji pa smo saglasno tome sumnjali a i dalje sumnjamo kada odu malo dalje od nasih prilika.
I zato se ne radi o hrabrosti i postenju.Ako znamo da je samo 14% Amerikanaca putovalo van svoje zemlje(racunajuci putovanje u Meksiko i Kanadu) onda ne treba da cudi njihova ravnodusnost i nekriticnost kada je u pitanju ostatak sveta.
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 19:32 21.10.2007

Re: Uzrok patnji

ali mislim da je pamet presudna. Šon ode u Iran, a ostatak Amerike ode na jedno veče u Mexico da se našmrču koke za malu lovu, ili na Tajland, da maltretiraju decu.

One koje razmišljaju svojom glavom roknu. Posebno ako je Crnac.
s56a s56a 20:29 21.10.2007

Re: Uzrok patnji

Koliko puta ste posetili USA i druge Zapadne zemlje?

Lep pozdrav iz hladne Ljubljane sa neresenim izborima
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 23:34 21.10.2007

Re: Uzrok patnji

Živeli na zapadu + poznata ekipa u državi slobodnih i domovini hrabrih....
berab berab 09:06 22.10.2007

Re: Uzrok patnji

Pa trebalo bi da uzmem godisnji odmor i racunam,toliko vremena ipak nemam.Medjutim,sto bi rekao Draza Markovic ne slazem se sa pitanjem.Ne polemise se sa licnoscu nego sa idejom,sa tezom.
vlada dvm vlada dvm 21:57 22.10.2007


Koliko puta ste posetili USA i druge Zapadne zemlje?Lep pozdrav iz hladne Ljubljane sa neresenim izborima

Briga me za ove izbore ovde, a kamoli za one tamo
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 02:38 23.10.2007

Re: Uzrok patnji

Koliko puta ste posetili USA i druge Zapadne zemlje?

Lep pozdrav iz hladne Ljubljane sa neresenim izborima

E, koga briga za izbore u SLO ????
Pobrkao si loncice, ali u tvojim godinama...optasta se.
Prati rezultate izlaska pa nam javljaj.

yu1bcd yu1bcd 11:45 23.10.2007

Re: Uzrok patnji

Evo javljam se pod drugim nickom posto si obrisao moju pohvalu za prevodjenje kvalitetne kritike Montgomerija.

Kolicinu gluposti koju si ti nalupao o USA se moze meriti samo sa neslavnim pismima citalaca Politike!

VIP Biljana Srbljanovic mi je zabranila komentare ali takav lokalni mediokritet kao ti mi ucini uslugu, da ne trosim vreme na seljacku Srbiju.

Pratite dogadjaje u Sloveniji u nadi, da ce Srbija dostici taj nivo kroz desetak godina. Ukljucno sa 20% glasova za nacionaliste.

Lep pozdrav iz Ljubljane od Marijana M. Miletic'a, penzionisanog magistra ETF Beograd
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 14:20 23.10.2007

Re: Uzrok patnji


nije ni čudo što te banuju, pa ti na svačijem blogu pljuješ po ostalim blogerima... Onako, fino, ZAPADNJAČKI :)

Znaš šta, iz SELJAČKE SRBIJE si otišao na zapad, nezahvalni čoveče, seljačka Srbija ti je dala škole.

Ali, u tvojim godinama, naravno da si besan na sve. Kada si bio mlad nisi imao muda da uradiš mnogo toga, a sada je kasno... Pa te ždere i ždere... Lepo je to opisao Bora Stanković...

I svoje frustracije istresaj po slovenačkim, gospodskim blogovima, a ne seljačkim srpskim.

Živ bio, i neka te zdravlje posluži...

p.s. ponovo si banovan.

d j o l e d j o l e 19:52 21.10.2007


Negde sam cuo da je u svoje vreme Mark Tven bio i uzasno popularan novinar, da je bukvalno postavio neke novinarske standarde i obrazce koji se i dan danas koriste.


Ovo sto ste rekli za prijateljstvo Tesle i Tvena je pominjano vise puta od strane oba protagonista. Izmedju ostalog, Tven je bezbroj puta prepricavao Tesline gafove u njujorskom high society, a ucinio je i dosta za promociju Teslinog rada u Americi (vec tada je marketing, cak i u oblasti kojom se Tesla bavio, bio sve i svja).
Radovan Nastić Radovan Nastić 23:43 21.10.2007

Re: Novinar

lepo je videti kada se dva genija kapiraju... Mislim na Teslu i Tvena :)




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