2015-02-11 13:32:28


Đorđe Bobić RSS / 11.02.2015. u 14:32

LINIJE … naslovna strana … samo da vam kažem da je u pripremi knjiga mojih crteža u izdanju ORION Arta objavljenih na mrežama u protekle dve godine. Biće dostupna u martu ove godine pa se pripremite za nabavku. Naravno, ko hoće …


2015-09-12 16:20:49

No IDEA Whatsoever

Chris Farmer RSS / 12.09.2015. u 17:20

It's a mystery. Wrapped inside a pickle. On a ham sandwich.

On sale in Aisle 7.

The mystery is that I no longer know where I am when I go to the supermarket in Belgrade. Today, for example, I started out list-in-handed on a journey to IDEA in New Belgrade. I had received in the post a special Happy Birthday coupon for a 10% discount (on almost everything except what I wanted to buy I found in the fine print).

2015-06-15 07:52:27

The Exchange

Chris Farmer RSS / 15.06.2015. u 08:52

"I am the author of this book," I told the nice man who looked Official. "Why is it in the Architecture section?"

"Oh, it says Architecture, but really it's not."
"I can see that. But people will not look for it here."
"This is Biography, Journals, and Autobiography."
"But it says Architecture."
"It says that, but it is not."

2013-04-26 17:52:52

Pismo malog Piroćanca sa kampovanja

Strongman RSS / 26.04.2013. u 18:52



Мамо и тато, знали ли сте бе , да к'д се плинска боца тури у ватру , да експлодира?Несте сигурно. Ма несам ни ја знаја до њекња, док гу не тури у ватру. Туго мајке к'д пуче, мене ме експлозија качи на дрво. Једва ме скинаше од дрво бе, а Стојана су морали да поврћав из несвес колко га је ошамутило.


2011-09-27 10:40:14

Dabogda ti Angelina Jolie pohvalila zemlju

Aleksandar T RSS / 27.09.2011. u 11:40

Namjerno nam nije došla Angela Merkel, poručila je da nema s kim da se sastane. Namjerno nam je došla Angelina Jolie, nakon što su se strasti stišale, a crveni tepih sklonjen, realnost je proizvela kletvu - Dabogda ti Angelina Jolie pohvalila zemlju.


 Bliži se godišnjica opštih oktobarskih izbora 2010 u Bosni i Hercegovini.

2011-02-10 16:23:07

Kad će plata?

Dejan Švajner RSS / 10.02.2011. u 17:23

Jedna "domaća" banka, danas popodne...

- Šefe, kad će plata?

-Pa zar niste dobili juče?

-Jesmo, ali samo dinarski deo.

-A, pa drugi deo kad stignu pare iz Italije.

2010-01-10 10:19:17

Zimske radosti

the_raven RSS / 10.01.2010. u 11:19

winter_pictures3.jpgŠto bi rekla jedna moja drugarica: "Postoji jedna star koju ne volim u vezi zime, i trenutno se nalazi svuda oko mene."
Ja inace nemam ništa protiv snega kao lepog belog pokrivača, koji sve oko nas zamaskira svetlucavom belom koprenom.
I volim te idilicne prizore dece koja se sankaju, grudvaju i generalno valjaju po dotičnom belom pokrivaču.
I lepo je da bude malo snega za Novu godinu i Božić i....

2015-10-19 11:52:58

Serbs and Superstitions

Chris Farmer RSS / 19.10.2015. u 12:52

Having slept quite well, I woke up one fine morning refreshed and in an excellent mood. People who know me will note that this is exceptional behavior and perhaps even cause for alarm.


My routine had all the usual morning hiccups associated with my as yet decaffeinated state: I dropped the spoon while making my coffee; I found a dark thread on my white bathrobe, which it seemed I had inadvertently put on inside out; the butter knife slipped from my hand mid-toast; reaching for it, I hit the bread and overturned it; I took a new piece of bread (and new knife) and re-booted. Thus reconfigured, I proceeded to my breakfast.

2015-01-29 08:58:50

Handicapped Parking: A User’s Guide

Chris Farmer RSS / 29.01.2015. u 09:58

Once you achieve a certain social status in Belgrade, you must view the parking reserved for the handicapped as metaphorical.

Despite what appears to be a space which is reserved for a person with some kind of physical disability, in reality it is merely a metaphor for the various societal woes which beset the citizenry and therefore is open to wide and (sometimes) poetic interpretation.

2013-02-08 09:52:30

Ništa nije sporno ...

Voja Radovanović RSS / 08.02.2013. u 10:52









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